The Perfect Dress~

Love & Kisses ✿ sha
Yey, the bunting is here.
Semalam gi amik kat Danga Bay outlet.

Ye, walopon tak berapa suka dengan gambar tu sebab aku tak bersolek, tak bermekap bagai sebab gambar tu amik time penat2 petang raye kan. Tapi best juger sebab gambar tu agak sweet and menepati citarasa.

ntah. tak paham pun.
But anyway, I'm satisfied with the service di tu.

Will post the gambar bunting later yeh.

And... I've found the perfect dress!

oh, but the color is black gold.

Sangat perfect di mata aku and asyik terbayang tiap kali bangun dari tidur <--- cam suda parah nih.

Biar la kaler hitam pun kan. Standard orang kita kan warna hitam mana la elok untuk majlis kahwin. Tapi my dear Hubby suker je ni ok. 8 bridal kitorang survey time hari Sabtu Ahad lepas. Hujan lebat pun main redah je. Sampai demam-demam dah Hubby tu. We went to Adli Bridal & D' Pesona kat BBU, Exclusive & ATT at Angsana, Mumtaz Bridal & Adli Bridal outlet Pontian, and two others at Rengit and B. Pahat.

'kan orang cakap, you won't find the dress.
The dress will find you.

When you look at the dress, you'll know that it's the one...
Now I understand the feeling.

hiks. cam melampau plak statement.

But, it's your wedding oke.
Bukan nak kawin 2, 3 kali pun.
Nanti gambar tu la yang ko nak tatap 10, 20 tahun lagi. Gambar tu la yang tergantung kat bilik tidur nanti. So, selagi tak jumpa baju idaman hati, never settle for less okeh.


ok, ok i know. banyak email yg tak direply, komen yang tak sempat dibalas ni. sangat2 super-duper bizis and i've got problems with my internet connection. not sure why but truly sorry, my gmail sgt2 tak berfungsi skarang nih. i will definitely get back to u on the Nu Skin product and Surah Yassin and this and that, later on okeh ^-^


harzharun said...

i plak x sabar nak tgk how dat black gold work!...tunjuk ah sket..ujung kain pon jd la...

sha said...

ahaks. nanti tak suprise la dear. tunggu my jemputan ye dtg tengok yg real punye ;p


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