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Sebab aku nak masuk 36 minggu dah ni, so harus la terkedek2 nak prepare hospital bag kan. Tu pun sebab dah kena bising ngan encik Hubby tiap ari.
ko bayangkan la, nak gi keje dia bebel, balik keje pun bebel, mlm2 pun... cam dia pulak yang terlebih takut kalau aku terberanak awal ni kan.
So, akhirnya tadi telah berjaya mempacking beg untuk kedua2 kami.
Cuma beg balik kg je belum packing lagi.
Tatau la nak berpantang kat mana nanti.
Cam serba salah di sini.
My parents suh balik umah diorang.
Encik Hubby dok pujuk2 aku suh pantang kat sini je.
Takde la dia paksa pun tapi cam sayu2 je dia ckp, "nanti takde org nak masakkan hubby, nanti hubby tido mlm sorang2, nanti rumah cam kosong je... cyg pantang kat sini je la ye..."
'eh cam konpius di situ. sapekah yang patut masak untuk sape? haha.
Tapi aritu dia ada cakap gak, "takpe la kalo cyg nak balik umah mak... nanti tinggal la hubby sorang2 kat sini... nanti 3 ari skali hubby balik sana eh. tapi kalo cyg pantang kat sini lagi bagus, takde nak nyusahkan mak... mak abah kan keje... kalo kat sini nanti tghari hubby balik la antokan makanan..."
hoh~ adakah maksudnya dia akan tapaukan aku nasik goreng tiap ari?
tak berpantang la gamaknya kalau aku dok sini kang.
so, tengoklah nanti.
Anyway, ni barang2 yang aku dah siap packing untuk encik baby.
Baby's Bag :
• 10 x Nappies
• 4 x Baby's clothes
• 3 x Plastic bag (utk uri dan baju/kain yang kotor & basah)
• 3 x Washcloth
• 1 x Baju sejuk
• 1 x Baby hat
• 1 x Baby blanket
• 1 x Baby towel
• 1 x Hooded towel
• 3 x Mittens & Booties
• 3 x Barut baby
• 2 x Receiving blanket
• Baby oil/Baby Wash/Baby lotion/Nappy cream
• Changing mat
• Baby wipes
• Baby's car seat
Mommy's Bag :
• Mommy and Papa's IC
• Kad Lawatan Hospital/Buku Merah
• Handphone & Camera
• Al-Quran
• Buku/Majalah
• 3 x T-Shirt/Front-fastening Blouse
• 1 x Kaftan
• 3 x Kain Batik
• 1 x Sweater
• 6 x Disposable briefs
• 2 x Nursing bra
• 2 x Socks
• 1 x Towel
• 1 x Tissue paper
• 1 x Slippers
• 1 x Shawl
• 4 x Breastpad
• Toiletries (Shower foam/Toothbrush/Cosmetics/Comb/Ikat Rambut/etc)
• Kurma/Madu (utk Tahnik)
• Air zamzam/Air selusuh
• Maternity Pad
• Minyak Mustajab & Minyak Herbanika
• Stok makanan (Air Milo/Juice/Roti/Coklat/Biskut)
ni je la barang basic utk dok 2 hari 1 mlm.
if in case kena c-sect and dok 3 hari 2 mlm, brg2 kena la nambah lagi kot.
Next week ada appointment dgn Penawar Specialist and the week after that, before aku gi KL for my brother's wedding, appointment ngan Puteri Specialist plak. Last week dah gi kat Penawar gak ngan Kluang Specialist.
Skarang ni every week nak kena gi checkup.
Tapi sbenarnya tatau pun nak bersalin kat mana nih.
Sume dokter cam sgt best.
And ni adalah experience cik puan GreenApple kat hospital kerajaan ye.
Agak horror la kat mata aku... http://comatosewithbraindamage.blogspot.com
And my fren baru bersalin kat HSI aritu and jahitan dia terburai oke.
of cos parents dia mengamuk sakan kat encik dokter tuh.
And time dia gi betulkan balik jahitan c-sect, ada 2 orang lagi patient yang alami masalah yang sama. Sorang tu siap bernanah ha!
shocking gile ye.
so HSI adalah out of option sama skali.
HSA adalah lebih baik sebab ko boleh book ward 1st class di situ.
yela, memang la kalau ada problem cam tumpah darah ke, private hospital mesti akan refer ko ke gov hospital gak kan tapi tu lain kira la... tu ko akan dpt special treatment. Kalau ko dtg siap2 terus gi situ kompem dpt ngan dokter praktikal yg kebanyakkannya hancusss.
Sekian, harap maklum.
What to pack in your hospital bag
- written for BabyCenter Malaysia
You're in the final stretch, with only a few weeks to go before your due date. Now's the time to pack a bag for all the essentials you'll need during labour and after your baby is born.
Print out this checklist to help remember everything you need. It's a good idea to have your bags packed by the time you are about 36 weeks pregnant, so that you're not rushing around in early labour trying to get everything done then!
Hospitals vary in their policies about what you are allowed to bring with you when you have your baby. You may want to take a few items from home, such as your own pillows or cushions, to make the environment more personal and less clinical. Check what the hospital provides and what you can bring yourself, but be aware that hospitals can be short on space -- and you may need to store everything in a small cabinet by your bed.
What to pack for labour :
• Your birth plan.
• Dressing gown -- useful if you end up pacing hospital corridors in early labour.
• Slippers.
• Socks -- believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour.
• An old nightdress or a T shirt to wear in labour, if you don't want to put on the hospital gown. It might get a bit messy, so don't buy anything specially to wear in hospital.
• Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during your labour.
• Lip balm.
• Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labour, or some glucose tablets to keep you going.
• Watch with a second hand, to time contractions.
• Digital camera or camcorder. If you want to bring a camcorder, check with the hospital beforehand -- not all of them allow them in delivery rooms.
• Relaxation materials: books, magazines, games etc.
• Pictures of someone or something you love (the inspiration you may need to see you through to the end).
• TENS pain relief machine if you are planning to use one.
• Toiletries.
• Water spray, or a hand-held fan to keep you cool.
• Music to listen to.
For your birth partner :
• A change of clothes.
• Snacks and drinks -- you don't want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you!
For after the birth :
• Going-home outfit.It will take a while for your tummy to go down so you'll be still wearing maternity clothes when you come home -- sorry!
• Nursing bras -- two or three.
• Breast pads for when your milk comes in.
• Maternity pads -- a couple of packs.
• Toiletries.
• Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste.
• Old knickers/cheap knickers/disposable knickers -- don't bring your best ones as they will get messy. If you end up having a caesarean, the hospital may provide one of those brilliant stretchy knickers that are comfortable over your scar.
• Arnica tablets to help with bruising after the birth. Although there's no conclusive evidence that they work, many women report that taking arnica helps reduce bruising and helps the healing process.
• Ear plugs, in case you end up on a noisy ward!
• Your mobile phone - and charger!
For your baby :
• An infant car seat.
• One outfit for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are easiest). The hospital provides baby gowns for your baby to wear during his stay.
• Baby blanket (a warm one if weather is cold).
• Nappies.
• One pair of socks or booties.
• Hat.
• Muslin squares.
Once you've got your hospital bag organised, remind yourself of the first signs of labour so you know when it's the real thing!
Baby Stuff,
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ishhh seriau jer bila baca kesan jahit terburai tu
Eh... baru je aku nak komplen pasal HSI.. Aku tak tau apesal orang2 yang bersalin kat HSI banyak kes jahitan terbukak balik. Adik aku pon sama.
Kawan aku pon sama, siap kena jahit balik kat Hosp Kota Tinggi.
HSA best sebab banyk specialist yg hebat2 kat sana. Tapi husband plak tak boleh masuk tengok time deliver.
Sorry, HSI mmg aku dah blacklist awal2. Sila ke hopital kerajaan lain sekiranya terdesak.
alamak! takutnya baca...neway, hubby anor pun dah bising. suh packing bag skrg. especially bila ramai cakap anor maybe due awal dr EDD. huhuhu
iza dah packing da bulan lps..
skg nie counting days jela kan..
fasha ngn iza sapa la yg akan deliver dulu ye..hehehe..
hubby fasha bg alasan mcm tu sebab nak jumpa baby tiap2 ari..
fasha da start cuti ker??
komen entry lepas ~ preggy mommy yg mmg kuat soping adalah ko!...hahaha...gmbr perut n sandal tu sgt comeyy!!..sekian... :-))
komen entry ni ~ waahhh!!..ko bdebar2 x??...lengkap ah psiapan ko nih...t leh jd rujukan...
yay, alhamdulillah u dah sampai 36 weeks...
thank you so much for sharing the list ( pinjam k)..hehhe...sabby dah nak masuk 30 weeks, baru tgh nak beli2 barang utk pack...hehee...
My experience ; better anak first pantang di rumah parents. Coz tak tau pape, and its so tiring & depressing. Sleepless night ohh penat. Huhu. Seres kena ada org tolong. (at least for me .hihi)
wah along, terharu kita even along tengah sarat, tp still gigh buatkan kita guestbook n dtg kenduri nanti...
thank you soo much alonggg...sayang along sgt!
nanti kita suh boy make sure that along akan dapat satu bilik yg selesa k..
p/s : along, pantang kat kl la..nanti leh neman kita g shopping...hehehe..
RDNA : memang seriau tu rdna. tu yg tetiba tak jadik bersalin kat hospital gov nih
MONSTORIOUS WIFE : haaa makin saspen jek aku dengar nih ilot. tapi HSI memang banyak kes kot. yang best kat situ pun cuma sebab dia lebih selesa je kalo nak compare dengan hospital lain kan. tapi kalo gi gov awal2 memang siap2 diorg bagi dokter praktikal la..
RELYZA : tu la anor. beg sy pun tak letak dlm kete lagi nih. takut gak kalo tetiba nak terbersalin ni kan
blum start cuti lagi ni iza. keje banyak lagi kat opis nih.
okeh nanti kita tengok eh sape deliver dulu =p
ahaks. 2 in 1 komen nih =p
smlm pun gigih aku gi jj weh. alasan sebab nak makan nandos tapi dah alang2 gi sana harus la ai bersoping bagai kan. haha. oo aku memang rajin berstori-mori pasal brg nih. so 20, 30 taun lagi boleh baca balik kenangan2 ni kan
aah sabby, tgh counting days je nih. mcm baru je kita buat prep utk kawin aritu kan tetiba dah nak deliver pun nih ^_^
haha cam horror jek bunyik. tapi rasa2 memang balik umah parents gak nih. nanti dah sebulan baru balik rumah sendiri kot ^_^
uish harus la alg pegi kenduri u ols ni kan. nanti kat ptn kompem tak dpt nak bergambo sakan sbb dah deliver so kat klang je la dpt berposing2. haha.
hamboih kalo pantang kat kl ni jawabnya tak berpantang la alg gamaknya =p
sha, staff sue yg tgh tunggu hari ni kate dia upah org jg pantang.. siap uruskan baby lagi.
makcik ni dok pasir gudang je, dia keje dr 7am hingga 7pm. siap urut2 semua..
menarik jugak camtu, xyah susahkan parents sume.
cuba sha try usha2.
ehh yekah hsi begitu..adoila...tetibe cam tak jadik jugek nak beranak kat situ...
eh kat hsa bleh maen booking2 ya...tau tak ape2 procedure dia...
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