along the winding road...

Love & Kisses ✿ sha
I'm soooo tired.
drop dead tired.
Badan rasa lenguh longlai la tiap kali balik keje.
Pagi pulak, time nak mangun pegi keje pun sangat lahai menguji kesabaran.
Pastu banyak pulak la order yg aku janji nak anto last week tapi tak tercapai hasrat.
Nasib baik arini cuti, bole la nak setelkan semuanya.
Pinggan mangkuk kat dapur tu pun tak berbasuh lagi.

Petang ni cadangnya mau balik kg.
Lama dah tak balik sejak raya aritu.
Mak aku jatuh tangga 2 hari lepas.
So of cos walopon takde pape tapi at least kena balik jugak la kan mau nengok2.
Pastu nak pegi HOMEFAIR kat Persada nuu.
'kan acara wajib hadir tiap tahun tuh?

Tapi my SIL mau buat acara mkn2 pulak arini.
so of cos my parents-in-law (PIL) akan dtg ke sini kan.

Operasi carik kamera dlm box mana ntah pun patutnya kena berlansung arini.
Kalo tak camne nak capture gambo2 rumah ngan guestbook yang dah siap tu kan.

Hubby adalah lebih kesian.
Dah 2, 3 minggu ni dia balik lewat.
Pastu kena ngemas rumah lagi.
Vakum, sidai kain, mop lantai...
And sgt byk outstation ke luar for his new project.
Last 2 weeks dia ke Terengganu.
Last week ke KL.
and kelmarin ke Mlk.
Malam tadi he told me that nex year most probably dia kena based in Mlk. And he asked me, ada tak mana2 division Sime Darby dkt2 situ or N. Sembilan so that I can be transferred there.

Aku of cos sgt excited sebab Mlk is one of my most fav place ever.
Kalo tak dpt transfer, I can happily resigned and do whatever job there is.
Jadi housewife pun takpe.
ai suker!

work-at-home-mother a.k.a WAHM.
there goes my comfortable shopping income...
matila kalo bos aku tau nih.

Tapi rasa mcm dah terlalu lama duduk kat Jhr nih.
Macam telah jadi satu zone yg sgt comfort.
'mcm yg aku rasa waktu duduk di Mlk beberapa tahun yg lalu...

The fact that we just bought our new home tu tak kesah la...
UniKL and MRSM tu jln kaki je dari sini.
So, anytime bole sewakan kat org, kan.

I'm the type of person who can always pack and go.

Seriesly, my life-long dream is to run and go built an attap-nipah-house at any Mediterranean/Micronesia/whatever isolated island kat dunia ni.

Nak mkn hape?
kat pulau tu ko tanam la apa2 yg patut.

or maybe I can go backpacking with my partner from places to places.
Motor riding along the road.

cam impian yg sgt horror kan.

I don't know.
maybe that's just me.

Dulu waktu zaman sekolah, I used to have a bf.
not really a bf but he's the closest male that I had for a fren.
But he always thinks of me as his gf, so, whatever.
And I used to love being with him.
'abihla kalo encik Hubby baca nih. si dia adalah lebih jeles dr segala-galanya =p

And walopon tak declare tapi kami terus contact sampai la aku belajar kat uni sampai aku ada real bf and he still contact me and treat me as his gf sampai my current bf time tu sgt2 jeles and mengamuk.

Last few months setelah bertahun lost contact, aku terjumpa dia balik.
kat Facebook.

And he works at Pulau X.

Macam tak percaya.
Sebab kami adalah org yg sama.
I always saw a reflection of me in him and he used to make my life full of sunshine whenever I'm with him.

What I'm trying to say is, mcm tak percaya yg dia dapat capai our life-long dream to stay and to live at an island and gets to do all the adventurous thing.

oh, don't get me wrong.
I'm happy.
I truly am.
It's just that sometimes, there's something in me just sooo wants to get out and ingat balik apa yg aku dah timbus dalam2 dulu.

And fortunately that I've found my dearest Hubby yg berfikiran rasional, yg mengikat aku dengan cintanya di sini...

the one that I love and the only reason that I stay...
the one who compliment my pack-and-go spirit ^_^


ISTPs have an adventuresome spirit. They are attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. They thrive on action, and are usually fearless. ISTPs are fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make their own decisions about their next step. They do not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit their ability to "do their own thing". Their sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes ISTPs prone to becoming bored rather quickly.

ISTPs have an enthusiastic, childlike approach to life that is attractive to others. As Introverted Thinkers, they also have some real substance to them which prevents them from being entirely frivolous and hedonic in their pursuits. They are laid-back and flexible, and generally accepting of a wide range of behavior. These attributes make them valued friends and confidantes.

Source :


harzharun said...

hurmmm...paham perasaan tu...ko ada bc blog aku sal my besfren nak kawen tu?...smlm dia kawen...perasaan aku? susah nak ckp...mlm td my parents jemput derang mkn kat isteri letak dada ayam dlm pinggan bf aku ckp, 'xmkn isi la...kalo ayam suka bhgn tulang' isteri letak paha ayam...serentak aku & bf ckp 'kepak la'...hurmmm, dia mmg x prnh bgtau apa yg dia suka...but as u said, i can see reflection of me in him...kami sama je...kdg2 aku fikir, sebab tu kami din fall for each other..sbb untuk pasangan hidup, kita perlukan org yg boleh melengkapi kita..bukan sama dgn kita...betul x?

Haliza Haron said...

sha, awk gi HOMEFAIR bile? sy gi sabtu. tgk gak kiri kanan kot² kite terserempak ke. lame tak jmpe awk :)

Anonymous said...

salam kenal..saya dah follow baca gak jurnal2 org ni...hihi..tahniah ye nak dpt babby..jom k ebog ada info ttg pantang bfeed,,,,

dumdum said...

ISTP tu apa ye? HAHA sebab it sounds like me..:D but life currently stuck me with 8-5 government job dan sumpah sangat bosan macam nak mati.haishh..

Ann said...

kakak, betullh.kadang2 ada je lelaki yang bukan boyfren pun tp kenal kita dan layan kita mcm gf. mungkin hanya kerana kita adalah sama. maka selesa bersama.


wanie said...

I totally understood..., well, kak harz, I do agree wht you said..., ....

reena said...

fasha.. cpt2 jmper kan camera ye.. nnt blh tgk the latest guest book yg u buat..nnt blh pilih.. jgn lupa yg saya punya tau.. weee~~~ tak sabar...

Mrs.Qarlista said...

Sebab kami adalah org yg sama.I always saw a reflection of me in him and he used to make my life full of sunshine whenever I'm with him.

ayat ni kan..tetibe buat mate bergenang.sebab terkenang seseorang. past is past. different story, rite..kdg2 walau sakit mana pun terasa bile teringatkan orang tu. still macam ade satu perasaan yg boleh buat kite lupe kejap segala sakit yang die buat tu.


sha said...

dear, of cos aku baca sume entry ko cuma x sempat letak komen jer. hehe. tapi aku rasa mmg ramai yg lalui benda yg sama ngan kita ni kan cuma maybe jln cerita dia berbeza skit2 jer..

ala sy gi ari ahad la liza. tapi sofa dia mcm tak bape best cam last year punya, kan

thanks cery. tu la.. baca blog org kekdg mmg best gak =p

haha mmg gitu la kita ni kan chenta. istp tu result from personality test. kalo nak amik test tu kena bayo sbenarnya tapi my office buat aritu utk semua staf tu yg kitorang dpt tau tu..

sha said...

noha, akak tau! hehe sebab entry noha pun byk cerita tentang si dia kan... kisah kita ni sbenarnya lebih kurang je kan cuma org je lain2...

yep dear.. as i said, mmg rasanya ramai org akan lalui apa yg kita dah lalui ni kan..

ahaks.. of cos tak lupa. sib baik rina order awal aritu kot tak memang tak larat nak buat dah. haha

nad, yg aku citer kat entry ni bukan ex-bf aku yg dulu tu tau. dia cuma kwn je yg maintain kwn sampai bebila. ahaks. yg ko punye tu aku tau mesti boipren lama tuh. tu yg siap bergenang air mate tu eh =p

Mrs.Qarlista said...

haha. pandai je ko eh! memang pon..aku dulu takde kawan laki sangat sebab bile ade die, dielah bestfren, dielah boipren. memang nangis tergolek-golekla time break up.

best fren laki ade gak. macam..everything was great like having best fren pempuan, bezanye cume lain jantina je. i mean..sumthing yg 'its just nuthing' tapi susah nak explain. hahaha. tapi pas kawen, aku yg lupe diorang tu sume. malas dah nak contact2. karang die ajak minum2 mcm dulu aku lak yg serba salah macam..ok ke tak nak minum2 mcm before kawen, kan?

ehh. banyak lak aku bebel. :P


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