Yani, PrincessHani, MyRule, Cik Lady Angel, Fara, UpcomingBigDay, MsHai, Cikin, Intanz, Dayu and SabSabby.
Ulang-ulang tau aku baca sebab nak tau mana yang terbaik untuk majlis kami nanti. Thanks yer everyone ^-^
On first thought, I prefer to have reception and solemnization dalam dua hari yang berlainan.
Kerana, berkahwin adalah sekali seumur hidup.
And u live only once.
Takpelah berbelanja lebih untuk hari bersejarah tu kan.
But on 2nd thought, 1 day seems to be the best choice after all.
My sis spent around 40K for her wedding last month.
Itupun time bunga murah.
14 February is Valentine's Day oke.
Tak mungkin la jumpa bunga yang murahan neh!
And kalau betul mau buat majlis dalam 2 hari, of course la perbelanjaan akan lebih kurang amount tu jugak, kan.
I used to work in Finance.
And I think, to spend 40K for my wedding is ridiculous!
I could buy lots of thing with 40 grand oke.
Tons of handbag.
Travel around the world.
So, one day it is.
Save money.
Save lotsss of money.
and penat pun sehari jek.
I'm gonna miss some of those precious moments though, sebab tergesa-gesa and mesti tak sempat mau nikmati semua, kan.
but, what the heck!
I'm gonna have a good photographer.
And a good videographer.
That's mandatory.
So I can enjoy the moments later.
My friend, who is a doctor, spent 40 cents for her wedding card.
Another friend, who is an assistant manager, spent less than 1 ringgit for her doorgift including the souvenir bag. And she got a great honeymoon at the Alps. Heidi. oh my~
So, pedulik la apa orang nak cakap pun kan.
It is your wedding anyway.
*tapi, bole ke Hubby nak datang rumah aku pukul 9 pagi tuh? haih.

yey! suda ketemu photographer idaman ^-^
Adzrin from TRZphoto.
p/s : thanks to Dayu ;p