the breastfeeding myths

Love & Kisses ✿ sha
12 pcs of Mom's Precious bottle = RM54 x 10 sets + Freezer
6 sets of Autumnz plastic storage = RM60 (150 pcs)

botol of course lebih jimat la kan sebab boleh guna berulang kali.
a freezer also boleh gunakan utk simpan barang lain once baby dah tak breastfeed nanti, kan.
compare to plastic storage yang boleh guna sekali je... tapinya tak payah nak susah-susah beli freezer.

tapi sebenarnya yg mana lebih jimat ye, and worth the money?

and gedik pulak takmo botol lain yg murahan sbb botol ni paling best and tahan lasak. it's shatterproof, No cracking and splintering when dropped. ni based on my experience guna time bf Danish dulu la.

susah2 kang aku borong byk2 kat supplier dia pastu jual balik kat CHARMSandCOLORS je senang, kan. hehe

I'm now officially a reseller for Mom's Little One product ya ^_^

by the way, mau share something dgn kamu di sini.

Breastfeeding Myths: Exposed & Explained

One of the many responsibilities of a mother is to breastfeed her infant. The breastfeeding concept may be nerve-wrecking especially to new mothers who might be constantly worried, wondering if they are doing it the right way. It is perfectly reasonable to feel that way, but bear in mind that breastfeeding is a natural process and just a little practice along with the right information will wash away any hesitation you may have.

The mother's milk is the best diet a baby can have. Breastfeeding benefits extend well beyond your child’s basic nutrition. In addition to containing all the essential vitamins and nutrients your baby requires, the mother's milk is rich in disease-fighting antibodies and lymphocytes which help babies fight infections and protect them from allergens. Hence why medical professionals worldwide constantly encourage mothers to breastfeed for at least a year, and if possible up to two years.

Below are some common breastfeeding myths and the truth behind it:
  • Some women do not produce sufficient milk for their child.
Majority of women produce more than enough milk. In fact, overabundance of milk is more likely. Furthermore, poor weight progression or weight loss experienced by infants is not due to the lack of production of the milk but because it does not get the milk that mother has. However, breastfed babies may still be affected in cases such as poor latching techniques, and physical or physiological medical conditions of the baby. Do consult your physician to address this issue.
  • Milk production is not enough during the first 3 or 4 days after birth.
"I had breastfed him for two hours and he is still hungry!" Again, this is not due to the poor production of the milk but it is often because the baby has not learnt to latch on properly.
  • A breastfeeding baby needs extra water especially in hot weather.
This is a common belief especially implemented by mother-in-laws, aunties and those who have strict confinement regimes. There is no need to worry that your baby will have lack of water. Babies get all the water they need from breastfeeding. Remember that babies have a tiny stomach, and that space available should not be entirely filled with water which has no calories or nutrients.
  • Breast milk does not contain enough iron required by the babies.
If the baby is full term, it will get enough iron from breast milk to last at least the first six months. Formula milk contains too much iron, and your baby might not even be able to absorb all to prevent iron deficiency. Breast milk on the other hand can be absorbed easier compared to formula milk.
  • Higher quality formulas are almost the same as breast milk.
Comparing the natural and amazing breast milk to manufactured milk is a big no-no! Formulas are only superficially similar to breast milk. Formulas contain no antibodies, living cells, enzymes, hormones and most importantly it lacks the holistic benefits between mother and child. Formulas contain much more minerals, iron, and protein than breast milk but are fundamentally different.In fact, no formulas can replace breast milk. Breast milk is produced to suit your baby from the beginning to the end of feeding.
  • Breast feeding mothers need to drink milk to produce milk.
If this is true, not every woman will produce milk! Milk is not a compulsory component in anyone's diet to begin with and women are very much capable of producing their own milk sufficiently without having to drink milk. Of course,good and balance diet are important in breastfeeding mothers and if calcium is the concern, there are always alternative sources of calcium rich foods.
  • Breast feeding mothers should not consume gassy food.
Breast milk is produced from what is in your bloodstream – not your stomach. Most babies have no trouble with gassy or spicy foods, caffeine etc. Simply consume food and drinks in moderation unless your baby's behaviour is telling you otherwise. The key word here is moderation, and there is no need to unnecessarily limit your diet.
  • Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance is a common problem.
This imbalance is rare and usually only happens in cases of oversupply of milk or timed feedings. Some mothers are worried that their baby is only getting the fatty 'hindmilk' for a few feedings, but in fact, all breast milk has some fat in it. Do not worry about one or two feedings containing fat. What is important is the daily fat intake. Fat content naturally varies throughout the feeding and throughout the day. The emptier your breast is, the higher fat content. So when milk volume tend to be higher, fat content will naturally be lower. So,the best thing to do is to follow your baby's cues and nurse based on demand.Your baby will definitely get what it needs.
  • After six months or one year, your breast milk has no nutritional value.
It is important to be confident with what we have as human; breast milk cannot and will not simply turn into water at any point. Breast milk will always have fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin and minerals, antibodies etc, for as long as you nurse your child. Moreover, the content will change to suit your child's requirement at his/her particular age.
  • If a baby is not gaining weight well, it may be due to the low quality of the mother’s milk
How can that be when even malnourished women are able to produce milk of sufficient quality and quantity to support a growing baby? In most cases of slow weight gain, it is related to insufficient milk intake or an underlying health problem the baby has.


Lawrence R. Breastfeeding:A Guide for the Medical Professional, 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby 1994; 188.

Stuart-Macadam, P.,Dettwyler, K. Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives. Hawthorne, New York:Aldine de Gruyter, 1995; 129.

Mohrbacher, N., Stock, J.BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK. Schaumburg, Illinois: LLLI, 1997; 116-32.

Behan, E. Eat Well, LoseWeight While Breastfeeding. New York: Villard Books, 1992; 145-46.

American Academy ofPediatrics Policy Statement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk.Pediatrics 1997; 100(6):1035-39.

Malaysian Dietitians' Association (MDA) is a professional body that serves as the advocator of nutrition and dietetics for the health and well-being of the nation. For accurate nutrition and diet-related information, as well as professional advice, visit or connect with them on via Facebook


Chekgu Azrine said...

Tq for the info...

sha said...

u're most welcome dear :)


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