he's still here.

Love & Kisses ✿ sha
so this is our little hero again.
Emir Danish @ 9 months old at my parents house.
watching his videos makes me want to gomol2 him over and over again ^_^

wohoho ini memang cucu kesayangans tok Mama & tok Abah hokey.
and now dia dah pandai sebut papa lagi la buat bapak dia kembang kuncup kan. haha.

By the way, hubby's still here, with me.
a new job, a sudden chance, a sudden change, but he's still here, with me.


oh my god... I'm happy! I'm beyond happy!! lalala~

yes it's so sudden, tiba2 dapat offer dari beberapa tempat tapi memang
rezeki dia masih di sini kot.
He won't get as much as what he'll earn working offshore or with client
but u know, sometimes money isn't everything...
He said, 'takpelah, kita muda lagi... lain kali mesti ada peluang lagilah.
and for now, he choose to be with family rather than working abroad.

Life is all about taking chances. 
It’s about doing something you initially thought you could never do. 
It’s about being a little crazy, following your heart, and not worrying about every detail of what everyone else thinks. 
And above all, it’s about learning to love who you are and what you have.

tapi tatau la esok lusa kan. hahaha T_T

For now aku cuma mau nikmati saat2 indah bersama cik hubby.
yang paling best adalah, I get to go to work with him!
jalan kaki dari tmpt parking sama2, brekfes sama2, lunch sama2...
oh my, teringat zaman dolu2 hokey! <-- I definitely gonna write about this soon! wuhuuu~

for those who know, they'll know.
sapa2 yg terasa nak mengumpat, di sini aku nak cakap, fuck off hokey.
sesapa yg tak paham tu buat tatau sajalah.
sekian, harap maklum.


monstorious wife said...

Alhamdulillah Sha, bestnya dapat pegi keje sama2!!

~ NANA ~ said...

bestnye blh pegi keje sama2...jeles! hehe

sha said...

aah ilot. mmg best gila! dulu time dia still keje sini kan kitorang blum couple lagik. ni bila dia masuk balik tetiba dah kawin dah ada anak sorang ye. haha

tu la nana. dulu kita yg jeles tgk husben & wife dpt gi keja sama2. ni tak sangka akhirnya dpt gak kitorang gi keja sekali =p


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