the hair.

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 9 comments
Last month aku buat digital perm.
Sebelum Hubby balik dari offshore tu la.
Sebab rambut adalah sangat menggerbang.
Maklum la ai kan omak beranak satu.
And ada budak opis dah tegur, nape aku telah menjadi kusut masai sekarang.
maka terus berasa kecik ati. haha.
Tu belum anak 2, 3 dan seterusnya kan.
Bukan setakat menggerbang, dah berguguran satu persatu jatuh ke bumi gaknya tuh.

Mula2 was-was jugak la nak buat sebab takut effect pada baby.
Sebab my baby is still fully breastfeed lagi.
Tapi bila pikir2 balik, kalau aku tak buat, memang berterbangan di awang-awangan la rambut aku ni kan. Lagipun time tu baby dah 5 bln so aku rasa dia dah agak kuat utk menepis serangan bahan kimia yg mak dia sibuk nak guna utk rambut ni kan.
Ye la, kalau aku tak buat kang laki aku balik rumah kang dia ingat pompuan mana pulak rambut cam singa ni kan.

So hari Isnin tu lepas hantar anak ke nursery, bergegas ke salon utk memperbaiki apa yg patut. Aku nak buat permanent wave sajer tapi dia gi buat half perm pulak.
Nasib baik ok gak.
So tak payah la aku sesusah nak sikat rambut tiap kali nak gi keje.

Tapi sebab aku malas nak letak minyak and my baby dok tarik-tarik rambut je tiap kali dukung maka rambut telah jadi menggerbang balik T_T
Hubby dah sengih2 cakap, 'tu Emir nak ingatkan mama suh pakai tudung la tu mama... haha T_T

something good is going to happen soon. insha'allah... ^_^

Are hair treatment chemicals dangerous during pregnancy?
Manufacturers frequently change formulas and many different chemicals are used in these processes. These chemicals are not generally evaluated for effects on pregnancy so limited data on use during pregnancy is available.

It is likely that only a small amount of any hair treatment chemicals are actually absorbed into a woman’s system through her skin. This minimal amount is not thought to be enough to create a problem for the baby. The fixation solution used during permanents may irritate the scalp but not affect other areas of the body and a minimal amount would be absorbed. The same would be true of chemicals used in the straightening process.

Are hair dyes safe during pregnancy?
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use during pregnancy because so little dye is absorbed through the skin. However, it is still important to be cautious, therefore many health care providers recommend that pregnant women not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.

While the absorption through the skin is minimal, the concern is that breathing fumes during the process could be harmful to the developing baby. Permanent hair dyes contain ammonia which has a strong chemical fume. The recommendation is to avoid hair dyes that contain ammonia. The chemical fume warning also applies to straightening products as well.

Semi-permanent dyes or a highlighting process may be considered safer for pregnant women. With highlights, the dye is enclosed in foil and won’t be absorbed into the skin. Vegetable dyes such as henna are also considered likely to be safe for coloring hair during pregnancy.

What precautions should I take when chemically treating my hair?
The following safety tips should be followed when chemically treating your hair:
• Consider waiting until the second trimester for hair dye, bleaching, permanents or straightening.
• Have the treatment completed in a well-ventilated area.
• Don’t leave the chemicals on your head any longer than necessary.
• Rinse your scalp thoroughly with water after treatment.
• Wear gloves when applying chemicals.
• Carefully follow directions on the product package.
• Do a patch test for allergic reactions before completing the process
• Never dye or bleach eyebrows or eyelashes. This could cause swelling or increase risk of infection in the eye area.

What if I work as a cosmetologist and am pregnant?
The risks during pregnancy come from working conditions, number of hours worked and exposure to the chemicals used in treating hair. Studies show that because of improved dye formulas and better working conditions, fewer risks are associated with this type of work.

Proper working conditions are important. These include working in a well-ventilated area, wearing protective gloves and not eating or drinking in the work area. These precautions reduce the exposure to hair treatment chemicals.

Is it safe to have hair treatments while I breastfeed?
It is unlikely that any chemicals would enter the breast milk because so little is absorbed through the skin.

Source -->

Breastfeeding : Kembali bekerja

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 6 comments
Setelah dua bulan bercuti-cutian yang sangat indah di rumah, dengan langkah longlai terpaksa kembali semula ke office.
Dah la Hubby kena pegi offshore time aku dalam pantang tu.
Sangat sedeh ok nguruskan semuanya sendiri.

And mau neruskan dengan breastfeed lagi.
Kalau takde support memang susah...
sangat-sangat susah.

Tapi jangan salah anggap pulak.
As I said before, when u finally got the right technique, breastfeeding akan jadi suatu aktiviti yang sangat2 menyeronokkan ^_^

Tapinya, again as I said before, mesti ada semangat yang betul2 kuat utk bf your baby. Sebabnya, bila ko nak pam susu tapi husben takde, siapa nak jaga baby?
Nanti jadi mcm encik nanish kat bawah ni.

aku sibuk mengepam, dia sibukla jerit2 nak dekat ngan mommy gak. mesti dia pelik nape mommy tak layan dia pastu ada botol wayar2 kat nenen dia tu. haha

tengok tuu. memula dok jauh, makin lama makin dekat, last2 dok kat pangku mommy nak makan botol tu ha...

The early stage aritu it takes about half an hour to one hour utk dpt sebotol susu (5 oz).
Dah la penat2 mengepam, nak ngemas rumah, nak sidai baju, memasak, kalau husben tak tolong tu, pehhhh memang bole jadi gaduh la. ahaks

Tapi aku tak ngalami aktiviti pergaduhan la sebab Hubby kan pergi offshore time aku dalam pantang tu, so nak tanak memang totally kena buat semuanya sendiri T_T
Sehari pun dapat call sekali je and by the time dia call tu aku tgh main2 ngan baby so sakit ati pun dah ilang. haha.

Before going back to work, dah siap2 packing barang utk bf.
Cooler bag, ice pack, pam susu and air mesh bag utk isi storage bottle and corong pam.

Tak la banyak mana pun, and aku letak everything dalam satu beg biasa je.
The first thing in the morning adalah sterilize barang2 utk breastfeed; 6 storage bottle, corong pam and the membrane.

Tiub tak payah la disterilize and better jangan dibasuh pun sebab kalau masuk je air dalam pam tu of cos akan rosak.
Aku lansung tak pernah basuh sejak beli.
Lagipun kalau simpan elok2 tak berabuk pun tiub tu.

Tiap kali ke opis akan bwk 2 beg; satu handbag and satu beg utk bf.
Aku tak beli beg yg betul2 designated utk letak pam sebab aku rasa beg tu besar sgt. Macam leceh je nak angkut beg besar2 tu gi opis kan. Yang aku dok bwk 2 beg ni pun ada yang tegur aku, 'ko bwk beg besar2 macam nak gi piknik.
haha T_T

And aku start pam susu 4 days before naik keje.
Cukup-cukup dapat 4 botol 1.5 - 2.5 oz.
Sikit gila sebab aku pam sebelah2 sebab aku tak reti nak double pumping.
Bila pegang dua2 tangan serentak mcm sangat penat.
Tu pun paksa diri gak utk pam sebab nak hantar anak pegi babysitter kan.
Kalau ikutkan malas + penat memang 1st day tu aku bagi susu formula je la.

Pukul 5 pagi aku dah bangun ye.
Ngemas2 barang, pam susu, bersiap semua la.
And kena bangun before encik baby bangun.
Sekarang dah senang sikit la sebab papa dia ada.
So jangan harapla aku nak bangun pukul 5 dah.
Pukul 6.30 baru jam loceng bunyi.
So, on the first day tu, after a veri hectic morning nguruskan si kecil comel without the papa, aku pun pegi la ke opis dengan perasaan yang tak berapa best.

And the first pumping session adalah pd pukul 10 pg.
Breast memang dah bengkak + keras gila sebab time cuti kan anak aku dok mengempeng je tiap jam so bila kat opis, pengeluaran adalah melebihi permintaan, tu yang dapat perah banyak.

Aku pam kat surau.
Sebabnya, opis aku yg gila besar ni takde nursing room hokey.
gila kedekut!
Nak request for nursing room tu kena buat memorandum bagai.
Memang banyak kerenah la.
Yang pelik tu, big boss yang lelaki tu dah approve, yang pompuan ni pulak cakap berpusing2. Banyak sangat talam bermuka2 nih.
Penyudahnya aku pam kat surau je lagi senang.
Lantak la orang nak pandang senget benget ke aku pedulik hapa kan.

And first time pam pg tu dapat 9 oz.
Terkejut okeh.
and sangat hepi!
Sebabnya, before this aku pam cuma dapat 1, 2 oz je.
sebab aku pam sebelah baru pam sebelah lagi.
sebab dulu aku tak reti double pumping, tapi ni dah terer dah =p

Time sesi mengepam beramai2 tu, my fren ajar la cara double pumping.
Tak susah pun.
Duduk bersila, bongkok skit and selit je corong kat celah2 bra tu pastu letak botol atas peha. Kalau duduk atas kerusi pun boleh tapi aku biasa pam bersila.

And sila la pakai nursing bra ye.
Kalau pakai bra biasa memang susah la...
And awal2 pam ni, jangan la pakai yang wired.
Sebabnya, wired bra boleh menyebabkan saluran susu tersumbat.
seksa ye kalau tersumbat yang berketul2 tuh.

Aku beli nursing bra ni kat FM sebab situ je yg ada jual jenis yg aku selesa pakai.
Brand lain pun ada jual jugak tapi aku tak suka.

So after the 1st session at 10 am, 2nd session is at 1 pm, 3rd session at 5 pm, 4th session bila dah balik rumah dalam pukul 10 mlm tu. And each session took about 20mins depends pd pengeluaran susu masing2. Kalau aku, time dlm pantang dulu pam sejam pun belum tentu dpt 2 oz tu.

And aku mengepam kat opis and kat rumah 3 or 4 kali je ye.
Tak mungkin la larat nak bangun tgh2 malam nak pam susu.
Tapi alhamdulillah 6, 7 botol tu cukup buat hantar ke nursery esok harinya.
Tapi tak dapat buat stok la sebab time weekend aku malas nak pam.

And after mengepam, biarkan susu kat luar (room temperature) dlm 20mins then simpan dalam fridge kat opis. Nak balik rumah, letak ice pack dlm cooler bag and letak susu dalam tu.

So, itulah cara2 aku mengepam kat opis setelah kembali bekerja.

It's been 6 months now and I'm going strong ^_^
'eh rupanya lagi 3 hari nanish nak start makan secara wajib dah.

my son yang debab gebu hasil minum susu mommy =p

Breastfeeding and pumping takes a lot of hard work and dedication and to be honest, is not for every one.

Aku adalah seorang full time working mother and I'm proud to be one of those lucky ones ^_^ ^_^

Breastfeeding : Tips for moms

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 11 comments
I'm gonna buy this thing together with the thermos.
Boon : Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon
Tapi tatau mana paling vouge utk letak dalam handbeg yah?
pink or orange?
pink, orange, pink, orange, pink, orange, blablabla.
sila abaikan nanish adalah laki sebab yang nak bagi makan adalah omaknya.
and I love both!
adoi ai.



Anyway, these are some good tips for you.
When u finally got the right technique, breastfeeding akan jadi suatu aktiviti yang sangat menyeronokkan.
And I've been breastfeeding happily ^_^
Tatap wajah si anak time bf tu adalah sangat best hokey.
And again, despite all the obstacles, janganlah sesekali menidakkan rezeki yang Allah bagi utk anak kita tu ye ^_^

Tips for Happy Breastfeeding
by Melanie Waxman

1. When it comes to breastfeeding, the most important thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to REST.
Resting allows for your body to produce nourishing breast milk. Often we feel a huge surge of energy after our baby is born. However, this energy is created to help the contraction of the uterus and to re-gain inner strength and vitality. If you use up your energy by rushing around, you will have little left for you or your baby. If you are tired, your baby will be fussy and demanding. Rest as much as you can for the first six weeks. I stayed in bed for two weeks after each baby. I know this made a huge difference to how I felt on all levels, emotionally, physically and mentally. I also had plenty of milk and my babies were able to adjust to life on earth in a calm, peaceful manner.

2. Stress and worry can also cause your milk to dry up or become acidic.
If your milk is acidic, it can give your baby colic and make him difficult. If you are stressed and tired, your milk becomes thinner and less satisfying for your baby. Make sure you take time to relax, sit or walk outside in nature. The freshness of trees, grass and flowers actually help you to feel uplifted and are a great stress relief. If you are worrying about your baby, make sure to contact other mothers for support.

3. Many women suffer from sore nipples when they first start breastfeeding.
Watch your diet and avoid eating salty, oily or hard, dry baked foods such as chips, cookies or toast. The juice of finely grated carrot is very helpful for soothing painful nipples. Rub a little over the them before nursing. I only experienced sore nipples with one child and it was extremely painful. I found that using a small amount of almond oil after the baby has nursed made a difference. Rubbing a little breast milk around the nipples can also help relieve soreness.

Make an effort to toughen up your nipples before you have the baby by rubbing them briskly with a dry, coarse towel and then softening the area with a little almond oil. Another good idea is to change the position in which you nurse at every feeding. This puts the pressure of the baby's gums on a different spot each time. Try to nurse more often, but for shorter lengths of time. If you go longer between feedings, the baby will be hungrier and nurse too hard and make your breasts even sorer.

4. When nursing at night, burp the baby well otherwise, he will wake up again quickly.
Keep him well wrapped so he won't notice the temperature change when you put him back in his crib. Often the breasts leak at the early stages of breastfeeding. Place a towel on your side of the bed to prevent staining. I used to wear a bra to bed during the early months because it felt more comfortable. Some women like to drape a cotton cloth over their breasts instead. Breastfeed babies are all different, some sleep through the night at an early age and many continue to nurse through the night for a few months. It will be easier for your baby to get on a routine if you have a routine in your daily life.

5. Certain foods help to make your milk rich and nourishing.
However, eating oily/greasy foods can make your milk too rich and effect your baby's digestion causing him to spit up often Mochi,, which is made from pounded, sweet brown rice, is very good for producing nourishing milk. Mochi is purchased in cake form and can be fried, steamed or added to soup. Mild miso soup with tofu, onions, shiitake and lots of greens is also beneficial. Creamy soups made from sweet vegetables such as onions, carrots, squash or sweet potato are very nourishing too. A wide variety of organic, natural foods are recommended during breastfeeding. Use fresh vegetables, whole grains, beans, sea vegetables, fish and fruit. Try eating different foods, one at a time, to see how your baby reacts to them. If something really makes him fussy and uncomfortable, don't eat it for a couple of weeks. As his digestive system matures, he can handle much more.

6. Many women suffer from engorged breasts when their milk first comes in.
This can be very uncomfortable and is quickly relieved as the baby nurses. Try to nurse every two hours to help relieve the discomfort. A warm shower can help too. An old remedy that works very well is lining your bra with cold cabbage leaves. Remove the central stem and cut a hole for your nipples. Replace the cabbage when it becomes warm. Sometimes women experience plugged ducts or breast infections. In both cases make sure you rest well and drink plenty of fluids. Nurse on the infected side first. Apply a compress made from rinsed and soaked 'Kombu' sea vegetable. Place a strip of kombu over the infected breast for about one hour. Remove and place crushed, cold. leafy greens such as kale on the breast for a few hours. Repeat if necessary. Eating large pieces of daikon (white radish) which have been steamed until soft are extremely helpful in easing all breast problems. Eat them on a regular basis.

7. Breastfeeding is such a special relationship with your baby and demonstrates a clear message of love, warmth, safety and reassurance to your newborn.
However, it is important to take care of your body too. It is also easy to experience tension in your upper back, shoulders and neck. Make sure you take time to stretch even if it is for a few minutes after nursing. Simple stretching will help your posture and ease away stiffness or sore muscles. Use pillows for support when nursing to prevent excessive strain on your back. A daily walk will help to keep your body in good shape and stress free. Regular massage after you have a baby is also beneficial.

8. Wear pure cotton next to your skin especially when nursing.
Cotton carries less of a static electrical charge than other materials and when worn next to the skin, helps to neutralize imbalances in the body. Synthetics on the other hand, increase imbalances. So if you are feeling more tired or anxious, synthetics will actually make you feel worse. Cotton clothing helps you to feel re-freshed and creates a stronger resistance to illness.

By using cotton clothing, your breastmilk will be more nourishing and less acidic. Your baby will also benefit from the use of natural fibers in clothing, diapers, towels, underwear and sheets. Often when women first start to breastfeed, they experience leaking from the breasts as their milk lets down. Choose natural cotton nursing pads to help prevent staining. While nursing from one breast, press gently but firmly against the other nipple to stop it leaking. This condition improves as your milk supply aligns with the demands of your baby.

9. Many breast-fed babies suffer from mild jaundice for a few days after birth.
Place the baby in a sunny spot in your house, such as a beneath a window, for about five minutes on his front and then on his back. Remove all his clothes. Make sure the room is warm. Watch your diet and avoid excess salt, crackers, toast, cookies, dairy and animal foods. A special tea made from dried daikon radish and dried shiitake mushroom works wonders. Drink one cup a day for about 3 days. If your baby has yellowing in the eyes and appears lethargic, make sure to seek medical advice.

10. In order for your baby to establish a regular routine and begin to sleep through the night, you need to establish a regular routine in your life.
Make sure to get up and go to bed at the same time each day and to have your meals at the same time. This will make a huge difference to your baby. If you separated from the baby during the day, make sure to have an established routine when you are together.

If your baby wakes up a lot at night, you could try nursing more often when you are together and see if you can lessen the number of night time feedings. Feeding patterns do change as the baby grows older, teething, growth spurts, all kinds of things can change when she wants to eat and how much, how she is sleeping... a lot like our eating and sleeping patterns. Again, look at the total picture of what is going on with her and you. Mother and child are one. How you conduct your day will have a direct effect on how your baby behaves.


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Our Price = RM290.00 (Normal = RM365.00)
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the camera.

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 3 comments
I'm so hepi today.
hepi hepi lalala~
sebab dah beli Nikon D3100...
Akhirnya tercapai satu lagi azam tahun nih.
omg, aku ada DSLR yo!

Mula-mula cadang nak beli kat Angsana.
Sebab free gift dia lagi banyak.
But that is 40 km away.
And then ingatkan nak tunggu Jcard Day kat JJ Tebrau...
Sebab Ms SZ ckp macam lagi best.
Tapi dengan keadaan Hubby yang bertongkat, dgn nak mengusung si Danish lagi, maka sila la beli kat Giant tu.

And then ingatkan nak beli Canon 550D.
Sebab video dia lebih best sbb ada external mic.
And sebab dia adalah 18mp plus beberapa extra function yg D3100 don't have.
Tapi setelah memikirkan sedalam-dalamnya, beli la encik Nikon juger.

Berbulan-bulan jugak la aku amik gambar pakai kamera henpon nih.
Last ada kamera adalah time raya tahun lepas T_T

Harz, ko mesti dah menat dengar aku cerita pasal benda nih.
Tapi kan memang kena bercerita banyak2 dulu baru ada semangat nak ngumpul duit beli DSLR ni kan. Sampai ko dah beli pun aku tak beli2 lagi ha.

Ni gambar nanish time kat rumah pakcik Boboy ngan acik Faz kat Puchong.
sangat bizi main ngan Tok Abah.
*owh tetiba rindu ngan budak tecik*

and no, this is not taken by the new D3100 but by my old E63 hp.

Baby : Food Jar & Food Processor

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 15 comments
Semalam tetiba dapat RM80 opis aku bagi utk ex-member kelab sukan.
jadi la... bole buat beli food jar utk letak makanan nanish.

Tatau nak yang mana. Foogo best, Thermos pun best.
Harga asal is RM80 but RM64 after less.
Pink bunga2 tu mcm sgt vouge tapi kang mesti nanish marah kalau dia tau omak paksa pakai brg pink nih.

Thermos: Funtainers 10oz Food Jar (Flower)

- Funtainer has a 10-ounce capacity and is 4-1/2-inch tall
- Thermax double wall vacuum insulation for maximum temperature retention, hot/cold
- Kid-proof design: unbreakable stainless steel interior and exterior withstand daily wear and tear
- Extra wide mouth is easy to fill, pour and clean
- Non-slip base, cool to the touch with hot foods

Thermos: FOOGO Food Jar (Pink)

- Leak-Proof Food Jar
- TherMax double wall vacuum insulation for maximum temperature retention
- Keeps food cold for 7 hours and hot for 5 hours
- Unbreakable stainless steel interior and exterior
- Wide mouth is easy to fill, eat from, and clean
- Ergonomically designed lid with rubber grip
- Dishwasher safe
- Non-slip, scratch resistant base, cool to the touch with hot foods
- Light, compact and portable
- Volume: 10 oz
- Weight: 0.5 lb (Approx. 230g)
- Dimensions: 3.8" L x 4.8" H x 3.8" W

Bulan ni dapat increment.
Tak banyak mana pun tapi bila tengok amount dia tadi cam terkejut jugak.
alhamdulillah... rezeki ^_^

Ingat nak beli cermin besar nak letak kat hall tuh.
Aritu survey2 yang 7x3 dlm RM400++ jugak depends pd jenis bingkai.
Duit lebih tu kena simpan sikit buat raya.
Maklumla, lepas raya kang baru dapat bonus.
Merasa la first time aku beraya takde monus nih.
Takpela lambat asalkan dapat, kan.
Staff2 yang dapat project bonus bulan ni best la.
beribu-ribu-ribu lemon gitu.
Pastu bln 9 kang dapat company bonus pulak.
merasa la jadi okb jap.
Raya kang kompem ada yang tukar kete baru.
takpun gi renovate rumah.
takpun gi berjalan kat oversea.
Aku tak la sebab support staff cuma dpt company bonus jek.
Dapat la cover beli itu ini sikit.

And aku tak jadik beli Philips : Steamer & Blender tu sebab lebih tertarik ngan benda ni, Shimono Food Processor.

• Most popular user friendly machine
• Impose only a minimum price becomes your good helper for life
• Size for Coffee Mug (machine) that suitable for travelling & little storage space
• Quality cups with Microwave Safe
• Dishwasher safe and rinse easily
• Powerful motor spin which can blend food less than 10 seconds
• Anti-rust cutters
• Government Recognized with (SIRIM) Approval & Warranty
• With spare parts maintenance & repair within Malaysia.
• Packaging size : 34.5 x 28.5 x 28.5 cm
• Packaging weight : 2.75 kg
My fren dah guna 5 tahun still elok and tak penah rosak pun. Berbaloi la dgn harga dia RM268. Dia guna utk masak2 and blend makanan baby sekali. veri senang and best. so of cos aku tertarik kan. Tapi kena beli steamer lain la sebab yg Shimono ni purely food processor.

Aku ada jumpa combined steamer & blender brand Little Bean (RM299.90) tapi takmo la. My sis guna brand ni utk baby monitor tu and memang tak tahan lama. Tak berkualiti sangat la.

And aku rasa nak beli slow cooker yg paling kecik tu sebab senang nak masak bubur Danish.

Tapi ntah ye.
Kalau ikut aku guna je la periuk nasik kecik yang kat rumah tu.
Time kawin aritu dapat hadiah periuk nasik sampai 4 pun tak abih guna lagi, tak payah nak membazir sangat.

Breastfeeding : Yang aku guna

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 7 comments
Aku start beli peralatan utk breastfeed (BF) ni lebih kurang a month before bersalin.
Sebabnya, aku kan kerja.
So cadangnya nak start mengepam kumpul stok EBM (Expressed Breast Milk) tu time pantang la.
Tapi nan ado okeh.
Tak sempat.
'banyak la ko punya alasan kan.
Which I really regret sampai sekarang sebab patutnya aku boleh simpan stok banyak time dalam pantang tu drp terkejar2 susah-payah nak simpan stok susu time tgh keje ni kan. Dalam pantang tu kalau aku pam sekali sehari pun takpe. Dapat sikit pun takpe sebenarnya drp tak dapat apa2 nih.

And aku beli semua barang-barang breastfeed kat FM sebab murah and best and sebab lepas pegi FM aku bole terus makan Tutti Frutti kat bawah tu. haha.

As I said before, I bought Spectra 3 to express my milk.
Dalam hati memang teringin yang Medela tapi aku beli Spectra 3 sebab time tu aku takut takde susu so kalau beli yg murah2 ni tak ralat sangat la kalau tak guna pun kan.

Aku suka sebab double pumping.
Tak la seringan Medela tapi tak la berat sangat.
Ok jek aku angkut gi opis tiap hari tu.
And aku tak beli full set yg skali dgn beg tu pun.
Aku beli asing-asing.
Filter kena beli la sebab kalau takde filter takut susu masuk dlm pump, nanti rosak pulak.
Silicone Massager aku tak beli sebab aku rasa tak la sakit pun mengepam kalau takde silicone massager tu.

Disclaimer : The post in this blog is the opinion of the writer and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

Ice Bag aku guna brand Techni Ice which is artificial ice.
Nak kata bagus sangat tu tak la tapi susu aku tahan je kalau dari kampung nak bawak balik sini, and dari office nak bawak balik rumah, to-and-fro and kalau aku singgah Tesco or memana la before sampai rumah tu. Techni Ice ni boleh dipotong2 ikut saiz Cooler Bag.

Yang aku tak suka sebab jangka hayat dia mcm tak lama sgt. Dalam 4 bln camtu tetiba dia koyak sikit2 and keluar lendir2 gel tu. 'ke sebab aku tak jaga elok2 eh?

Cooler bag aku beli 2, satu utk bwk ke office, satu utk bwk ke nursery.
Satu brand Jingle Jungle (RM14++), satu lagi brand MomsLittleOnes (RM50++).
Pendapat aku adalah, beg Jingle Jungle tu lebih best sebab murahan and zip dia tak cepat rosak.

MomsLittleOnes aku baru guna 4 bln zip dah rosak.
Jingle Jungle pun byk beg cantik2 skarang ni kan.

And aku guna MomsLittleOnes and Jingle Jungle for the storage bottle.
Pada aku, MomsLittleOnes storage bottle walaupun lebih mahal tapi adalah paling best.
Sebabnya botol dia lebih tahan lasak, lebih cantik and sedang elok je nak masuk dalam breastpump Spectra 3 tu.

Aku suka MomsLittleOnes yang jenis takde piring putih kat penutup atas tu sbb piring tu senang hilang. Kalau bukan ko yang hilangkan, nanti hilang je kat nursery tu kang.
Tapi setakat ni aku punya baru hilang satu je la.

Jingle Jungle punya botol mcm tak berapa fit sangat.
And kualiti mcm tak berapa elok.
Tulisan oz kat luar tu senang hilang bila kena panas selalu.
My fren takde sterilizer and dia guna steamer & periuk biasa utk sterilize bottle, tup2 tengok, tulisan kat botol tu boleh tanggal/hilang and body dia cair/kemek sbb panas sgt kot. So better guna sterilizer la, selain memudahkan, barang2 pun tak cepat rosak.

Sterilizer aku guna brand Tommee Tippee.
Senang sangat nak guna and boleh masuk botol gemuk2.
Barang-barang utk breastfeed ni kena sterilize dulu before guna.
Nantilah lain kali aku review pasal Spectra 3 ngan penggunaan dia ni kan.
Dulu aku seriesly tatau mcm mana nak buat double pumping so aku rasa mesti korang pun ramai yg tatau gak.

And aku ada beli milk storage bag brand Jingle Jungle tapi tak guna pun.
Sebabnya aku lagi suka guna botol, lebih jimat and lagi mudah nak simpan, lagi mudah nak cairkan and boleh recycle balik. If guna storage bag tu aku rasa cam membazir pulak. depends laa...

And aku beli Air Mesh Bag utk letak barang-barang yang dah di sterilize utk bwk pegi office. Sebabnya bila letak dlm beg tu botol-botol semua cepat kering, tak payah nak lap2.

And for those yang tanya boleh makan jamu tak time breastfeeding, pada pendapat aku, tunggu la hari ke-20 or tunggu sampai baby baik dari jaundice baru makan jamu. And that depends jugak pada jenis jamu yang korang makan.

Aku guna Nona Roguy (NR) and air Akar Herbanika dia tu memang membanyakkan susu badan so lepas baby lahir dah boleh start minum. And Phytonatal tu aku makan lepas hari ke-10 (seminggu lepas baby lahir). Itupun 1, 2 biji sehari sebab nak lawaskan pembuangan air besar and aku tak mkn tiap-tiap hari pun. Kalau sembelit time dlm pantang sangat seksa okeh. Dan alhamdulillah dia tak effect pengeluaran susu badan pun.

Kesimpulannya takdela susah mana pun nak breastfeed ni cuma u have to be mentally prepared to fully breastfeed your baby.

Pada aku yang kena dok sorang2 sejak dlm pantang tu memang penat wooo.
And super duper mencabar la.
Sebabnya, aku kena nguruskan baby sorang2 and mana nak handle baby, mana nak tidurkan dia, nak pam susu, nak buat keje. And that's why aku stop buat guestbook sampai la bln 10 ni and maybe akan extend lagi sebab tak larat and takde masa.


There’s so many advantages that you can get from breastfeeding, amazing advantages for you and your baby. Unfortunately, the fact is breastfeeding is not always easy. We’ve heard so many times that many mothers found obstacles in breastfeeding their baby. It’s not as easy as it said. Successful breastfeeding is not easy, but it will be easy if you know the tips. For this reason, you should know how to handle those obstacles by this breastfeeding tips articles.

Here are some breastfeeding tips for mothers :

1. It’s very important for you to know all about breastfeeding since you’re pregnant. It will help you so much to succeed in breastfeeding your baby.

2. Start to breastfeed your baby immediately after birth. If possible, do early breastfeeding initiation since this activity has very important role in order to get successful breastfeeding. Besides, breast milk that come out in first week after delivery contain of colostrums, good nutrition for your baby.

3. Most of lactation failure due to an error of how baby sucking the breasts. Make sure that you breastfeed your baby in the right way. Do the properly latch on to baby’s mouth. Baby’s mouth should wide open and make sure that your baby’s also sucking your areola, not only sucking your nipple. It’s very important for baby so that they can get much more breast milk and it’s also good for you in order to avoid sore nipple or inflamed breast.

4. Make sure that your baby really gets your breast milk while he’s sucking your breast. It is sign by strong baby’s cheek motion followed by regular rhythm and you can hear the sound of baby’s swallowing your breast milk.

5. As possible as you can, avoid the use of pacifier or bottle nipple since it could hamper the successful breastfeeding. The use of bottle nipple or pacifier would also make nipple confusion in your baby. Nipple confusion will make baby would not to be breastfeed. You can read the article about nipple confusion in baby here.

6. As possible as you can, avoid giving formula milk to your baby, especially in exclusive breastfeeding time (0-6 months), because it can make baby’s getting less breast milk and also it could be a failure in successful breastfeeding.

7. Find the good and cozy position for you while you’re breastfeeding your baby. Sitting position is one of the good and cozy positions for you. You can put pillow under your hands and back in order to be more comfortable. Actually, there’s no strict position guidance. Find the position that you and your baby like the most.

8. Do breastfeed your baby based on demand. Do not try to make a limitation or regular schedule time for baby to be breastfeed. The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more breast milk production you’ll get.

9. Always give a touch, skin to skin contact and make eye contact to your baby while you’re breastfeeding your baby. Make the breastfeeding as one chance for you to make strong bonding to your baby. Besides, skin to skin contact and eye contact will make baby more relax and also will make breastfeeding process run smoothly and successfully.

10. It’s good for you to let the breast nipple in contact with the air about 10-15 minutes, especially in the early days of breastfeeding. It aims to strengthen the nipple and also prevent the occurrence of blisters and pain in your nipple. You do not need to do this again if breastfeeding has been going well.

11. Apply a healthy lifestyle such as stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and other substances that must be avoided by breastfeeding mother.

12. Eat a healthy diet by looking at good nutrition and balanced. Do not forget also to drink lots of milk, water or juice to increase the amount of milk production. You can enjoy a drink while breastfeeding. Read about good nutrition while breastfeeding here.

13. Sleep when your baby sleeps. It is very useful to recharge your tired body after devoting much energy for caring and taking care of all your baby needs. Tired and not fit body condition off course will reduce the supply of your breast milk and hamper the successful breastfeeding.

14. Make sure you breastfeed your baby with both breasts. Do not just give one breast to your baby.

15. Think positive. Breastfeeding is not an easy activity. With positive thinking, you will feel lighter in running this nursing activity. In addition, good psychological conditions play a huge role to ensure the supply of milk. If your emotional condition is stable, then your breast milk production will be more fluent and much more supply.

16. Ask for support from husbands or from people around you. With full support provided by the people around you, then your mental condition also will be better. It obviously will increase the chances of successful breastfeeding.

17. Take care of your breasts as this will impact very positively for the smooth process of breastfeeding. Do treatments such as massage, cleanse or compress the breast. You can clean your breasts once a day. Do not be too frequent washing breasts with soap because it will make the skin and nipples become dry. Do not forget to do a breast massage using olive oil. This massage will help to make breastfeeding more succeed in addition it will also help keep your breast forms.

18. Wear the special breastfeeding bra for your breast. Do not wear very tight bra.

19. Use breast pad while breastfeeding time. Change the breast pad as often as possible in order to prevent sore nipple and infection.

20. Do not worry that the baby is not getting enough milk. Your worried will only make your emotional become unstable and it will affect your breast milk supply. Relax and believe in yourself. One sign that the baby is getting enough milk is he will pee 6 times in 24 hours (especially if babies only drink breast milk without the addition of other beverages). If your baby is still crying after breastfeeding, it doesn’t mean that your milk supply is not sufficient for your baby. Most likely is caused by the wrong way in baby sucking the breast. If you find any difficulty in this case, please don’t be hesitate to consult about it to lactation consultant.

Breastfeeding : Dalam pantang

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 9 comments
Sejak ngandungkan si Emir Danish mmg telah berazam dengan gigih mau fully breastfeed si kecil ineh. Dan alhamdulillah, as at today, Emir suda 5 bulan++ pun usianya and I still breastfeed him.

and no, BF is not as easy as u may think.
In d first place, nobody tells you how difficult it can be.
You're lead to believe that it's the most natural thing in the world and both u and baby will do it automatically tapi yang sebenarnya jangan harapla.

Memang nampak mudah.
Baby nak nyusu je selak baju, sua kat mulut dia. setel.
Malam2 takyah sesusah nak bangun ngantuk2 buat susu.
Nak jalan pegi manapun senang tak payah nak berangkut bakul bagai.
And jimat gile hokey.
Sekali je la kena beli breastpump tu.
Aku beli Spectra 3 sebab harga tak mahal sangat and tak ralat la kalau tak mengepam pun.
Aku nak Medela yg double pumping tu tapi mahal jugak dekat RM2000 kan.
Tapi takpe la, Spectra 3 pun best juger.
Yang penting, beli la yg double pumping and electric.
Kot tak memang bazir masa nak pam sebelah2.

So sebab aku dapat bagi Emir ni susu badan, berbaloi la aku beli pam.
Susu formula pun setin dah 70, 80 ringgit.
Kalau sebulan kurang2 pun kena prepare RM200++ jugak utk susu.
Dgn diapers lagi.
And portion yg utk susu tu ko bole buat beli brg2 best utk baby contohnya mcm baju2 mahal, mainan mahal or segala mak bapak benda mahal, etc.

I had assumed breastfeeding was easy as it is so heavily promoted but to tell u the truth, it has been very stressful and draining especially time dalam pantang.
Tatau la kot pada korang lain pulak kan.

Time dalam pantang tu, hari ke-4, baby aku kena jaundice.
Dalam hati aku memang dah agak mesti baby tak cukup susu tapi aku still sua jugak breast ni kat dia suh minum susu.
Degil takmo bagi susu formula, kan.
Padahalnya kalau bg susu formula pun tak luaknya.
Tapi entah ye.

Agaknya aku ni terpengaruh sgt ngan internet.
Byk sgt survey and baca info pasal BF ni kan so konon2 takmo la anak minum susu formula tu. Tapi memang betul pun susu akan keluar jugak bila selalu distimulate. Maksudnya, kalau susu tak keluar pun suruh je baby tu hisap, insya allah susu akan keluar.

Memang aku buat macam tu, tapi susu keluar skit jugak...
And patutnya aku kena campur susu formula jugak.
Tapi still degil takmo campur.
Tu yg at last kena jaundice tu.

So, hari ke-4 tu berangkut la kami anak beranak termasuk la bapaknya sekali ke Puteri Specialist kat JB for a 3 days 2 nights stay... yg akan diceritakan pada entry akan-akan-akan datang ye ;p

And bila dah balik dari hospital tu pun aku still tak bagi dia susu formula.
Maybe that's why anak aku kurang minum susu and his jaundice tak baik2 sampai dekat 20 hari++ jugak la. And then baru la beli susu Similac tu buat backup.

Tapi dalam hari ke-15 macam tu, susu aku dah start keluar banyak.
Banyak sgt2 sampai basah kuyup baju tiap kali bangun tidur.
Tapi aku tak pam sebab penat sangat.
Penat jaga baby sebab dia bangun tiap jam untuk menyusu.
And time dia tidur, aku mengurut, makan, mandi, etc2.
Memang takde masa la nak perah2 susu.
And then tiba2 breast aku jadi bengkak sangat2.
Panas and sakit gile oke.
Macam nak demam pun ada.
And time nyusu tu anak aku dok gigit2 or hisap kuat sangat and rasa macam ada luka skit.
Mula2 sebelah, and aku bagi anak aku hisap sebelah yg tak sakit tu.
And then bila yg sebelah tu baik, sebelah lagi ikut bengkak.
Seksa gila.
Yang luka kat nipple tu aku sapu Medela Purelan baru ok.
Time tu aku belum beli nipple shield so tahan je la sakit time baby nyusu.

Memang takut sangat kalau kena Mastitis (which I will elaborate later dlm next-next-next entry. hehe) Sebab kawan aku ada jugak yg kena camni and kena operate utk keluarkan nanah/susu tersumbat dalam breast tu.

Ngeri weh.

And time kena bengkak susu tu aku tak pam guna mesin, instead, aku manually guna tangan, sebab time bengkak2 tu memang sakit kalau guna mesin.
tak muat pon.

And time aku perah manual tu dapat la 0.5 oz, 1 oz gitu...
bole la kan asalkan keluar.
Memang dalam pantang aku tak perah sangat sebab takde masa + penat melampau.
And aku start perah cuma 4 hari before naik keje.

Kesimpulannya adalah, you have to breastfeed your baby no matter what. If susu tak keluar pun still kena bagi dia hisap puting and after that kena bagi dia minum susu formula jugak. Kalau tak, memang merasa la ko jaga anak yang kena demam kuning ni, kena bengkak susu lagi, susah okeh.

Lepas ni akan sambung bercerita tentang breastfeeding lagi ye.

Emir dah pandai gelak ngan dasat ye sekarang.
Hubby amik gambar ni time kat hospital, time dia operate lulut aritu.


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baby blender, anyone?

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 7 comments

Emir slalu nengok camni kalau aku tengah sibuk borak ngan dia dlm kete nak balik keje tu.
macam, apehal la omak aku dok bebel ni kan.
Tapi memang excited la aku nak gomol dia kalau tgh buat muka comel camni.
Macam dah besar je.

And since he's officially 5 mths 3 weeks old now, omak adalah sangat excited juger nak start bagi dia makan. Patutnya nak bagi time umur dia 6 bln tapi ai adalah sgt tak sabo hokey. Dah berapa hari ni aku dok pikir pasal makanan dia so tadi dgn gigih aku beli sebijik pisang kat cafe opis sebab kalau kat luar kena beli sesisir kang sapa pulak nak abihkan. Balik ni adalah operasi lenyek2 pisang nak sumbat dlm mulut budak tecik.


and aku adalah veri kemaruk ngan benda ni juger.
Philips Avent : Steamer & Blender

Berpuluh2 review dah aku baca, ada pros and cons tapi mostly mmg best la.
Keburukkan adalah : takleh buat grind beras, grains or benda2 yg keras cam ice cubes tu.
Takpela sebab aku ada blender lain so yg tu bole buat blend beras or oat ke hapa yg lain-lain tu.

And agak kecil so takleh nak blend benda2 dlm big amount.
Tapi tak kesahla sebab bukan susah pun nak guna so bila Emir nak mkn nanti baru masak.
lagi fresh ha.

Aku sangat suka sebab boleh steam and blend dlm satu masa.
Aku kan suka hangitkan barang kat periuk, so takde la risiko hangit steamer aku ni kan.

Tapi aku risau je kalau Emir takmo makan puree.
Kalau dia nak beras perang or oatmeal je kang tak ke naya?
Mahal hokey benda alah ni.
Paling murah aku jumpa adalah RM351.20.
hum hum.

Tapi gaknya sebab aku memang nak benda ni kan so segala kebaikkan je la yg aku nampak.
Lebih excited bila baca kat blog Crystalmerah & Mellomouse ni.

Hubby bagi green light sebab dia cakap as long as benda tu guna, boleh je beli.
so sebab sponser dah bagi persetujuan, lagi la aku nak beli kan.
Tapi my fren ckp, better beli food processor sebab nanti bila baby dah tak mkn puree, kita pun bole guna gak buat masak.

tu la... tapi aku suka sebab dia kecik and boleh angkut balik kg anytime.
so, ntah ye?

video penggunaan adalah seperti di bawah :

kehendak aku.

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 4 comments

Lately ni kepala otak aku dok terbayang2 je wajah Nikon D3100 tu.
Tahap veri d kemaruk dah.
Menci la amik gambo guna henpon je nih.
Ingatkan nak tunggu PC Expo bln 8 kang tapi mcm dah tak berapa nak sabar dah.
Pastu nak tunggu bonus mcm lambat sangat bln 9 nanti.
raya pun dah nak abih.
Penyudahnya aku amik gambar raya guna henpon jugak kang.
Dah la first time nak beraya ngan Emir nih.
Sangat la tak vouge.
So bercadang nak beli je weekend ni.
Semalam dok survey gak and yg paling murah aku jumpa adalah RM1899 + free gift.
Murah sangat kang takut underwater set pulak.
Belum tengok kat Angsana lagi la.

Tapinya takut lens yg dia bg tu tak menepati citarasa pulak.
Tapinya aku sbenarnya tatau pun lagi jenis gambar apa yg aku nak amik.
Kalau setakat gambar biasa2, lens 18-55mm tu ok je kot.
Tapi bila dok baca review pasal wide zoom and tele zoom mcm sgt best.

Tapi ntah ye.
Bebenda mahal mcm ni kena survey byk2 jugak tapi aku adalah sgt tak sabo dah hokey.
Semalam kat kedai tu diorg dok provoke suh beli Canon EOS 550D tu sbb harga dia dah jatuh skrg nih. tapi aku cam takmo sbb dalam kepala aku dah cop jenama Nikon je.

mesti masuk dlm mimpi aku lagik mlm nih.

Some of the sites yg review pasal lens D3100 ni :

the baby.

Love & Kisses ✿ sha 8 comments

so, this is Emir Danish @ 5 months old.
wajah sebelum kena cukur rambut la.

ari Sabtu lepas, 18/6, dah selamat cukur pun rambut si Danish nih.
dah botak licin.
takde la nak berkenduri cukur jambul bagai.
adat yang ala2 Hindu ni berendoi la, lenggang perut la, ntah hape lagi la aku malas nak ikut sangat. ada rezeki, nak buat akikah insya allah bln 9 ni waktu2 nak raya tu.
senang, pakai baju raya je terus.

aritu aku dah tempahkan baju raya kami, sedondon kaler plum purple and satu lagi kaler pearl grey. aku la yang pilih kaler sebab Hubby takde kan.
dia cuma cakap nak kaler pepel so aku pun gigih la meronda carik kaler pepel yang cantek.
and he specifically said a big no to green or yang seangkatan dengannya.
apsal ntah kaum kerabat yg veri d anti dengan kaler hijau nih.
so lagi selai aku pilih la kaler kelabu metalik.
cantek la kat mata aku.
cumanya cam kelam pulak nak pakai kelabu2 time raya nih.

ok, ai nak ngemas baju.
Hubby nak operate kaki jap lagi.


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