bizi yang melampau lately.
ngan keje kat opis, ngan keje yang side income ni, ngan kepenatan orang mengandung lagi... wuhuhu~
ok ok, cerita lain plis.
alhamdulillah dah masuk 3 bulan...
besok baru nak buat buku merah ni.
alhamdulillah juger aku takde alahan sangat.
Tak muntah lansung walopun perut menggelodak cam kapal karam.
Bak kata encik Hubby, 'siang sihat walafiat. nak nampak signbod Tg Puteri je terus melepek.
nape ntah.
Tapi memang start pukul 6 lebih je (waktu2 nak sampai umah) mula la itu sakit, ini tak kena, cam nak golek2 pun tak bes.
Lagi kalo encik Hubby dok buatkan susu Anmum tu suh aku minum.
lagiii laa aku takleh tido.
Aku memang anti skit dengan susu2 nih.
Tapi demi si kecik comel ni pastu kesian kat papa dia yg penat2 masak air buatkan susu tu kan, so nak tanak telan je la.
Pastu lama dah tak cerita tentang rumah ni.
alhamdulillah... lately banyak berita gembira yang kami dapat so priority tatau mau bercerita tentang yang mana tapi of cos la cerita tentang si comel kat dalam ni lebih didahulukan.
Loan dah approve.
S&P pun dah dapat.
EPF je yang belum keluarkan lagi.
We'll use the savings in our 2nd account.
Esok kot baru nak pegi.
nak buat ngan buku merah tu skali.
So, sebab bizi, aku takmo cerita panjang2.
Ni aku tampal satu artikel tentang rumah.
kalo korang rajin baca la.
How many homes shud a buyer see?
Studies show that your memory dramatically improves after consumption of carbs and slows upon consuming sugar. So, do not take soft drinks but instead, have a hearty meal of carbs before venturing out to tour homes.
The average number of homes that a buyer will see in one day is 7. Any more than that, and the brain is on overload. Therefore, don't expect to see 20 or 30 homes; although it's physically possible to do so, you probably will not remember specific details about any of them.
So, kekwn, sila ingat ye.
Maksimum rumah yg kamu bole lihat sebelum buat keputusan adalah 7 sahaja. Kalau tak nanti kamu tak ingat pun apa ciri2 sebenar yg kamu mahu.
'wooo veri tastyyyy...
** **
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CHARMS & COLORS (JM0743191-D) merupakan pengedar sah untuk produk Tanamera, Shaklee, Amway, Nona Roguy, Ephyra, Tropika & Nursajat. Kami juga menawarkan barangan ketika berpantang seperti set bersalin & tungku dengan kualiti terbaik dan harga yg amat berpatutan.
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Balik Kampung & Pantang Larang
Sangat bocan sebab Hubby kena gi TBC 3 hari.
Besok baru balik.
So aku pun terkedek-kedek la pulang ke kampung halaman.
Patutnya cam malas nak balik pun sebab last week kan baru balik.
Tapi bila tepon my mum and dia cakap ada masak siakap 3 rasa, sambal tumis petai, ikan sambal jawa ngan kerabu pegaga sedap, maka on d spot telah menyumbat baju dalam beg walopon menat. Dan sempat pulak la aku singgah beli Otak-Otak Kempas 100 kpg si bongsu kat umah tu order.
wuuu~ sangat lama la tak drive sendiri.
cam saspen jugak.
telah naik lemak dimanjakan oleh encik drivercomel setiap hari =p
By the way, last few days some funny things happenned.
kan aku dah cakap, 'what goes around comes around.
Pembalasan tu tak kira la dalam bentuk macam mana pun.
Jadik depan mata pulak tu.
Harus la ai nak gelak guling2 kan.
maybe I am wicked.
oh so what?
Nak letak gambo sendiri tapi kamera ntah gi mana.
Gambo guestbook2 yang dah siap pun aku tak sempat snap ha.
wuuu adakah hint2 utk kamera baru?
Walopon aku bizi melampau sebab nak siapkan order lagi ni tapi nak jugek la cerita tentang pantang larang yang aku jumpa kat internet. Betul ke tidak pantang larang ni aku tatau la. Yang baik kita jadikan tauladan, yg khurafat tu korang jangan la ikut okeh?
Pantang Larang Orang Melayu Tradisional merupakan kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu zaman lampau berkaitan dengan adat dan budaya warisan nenek moyang. Kebanyakan adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik masyarakat agar mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni dalam kehidupan. Apa yang disebut bukan untuk dipercayai tetapi untuk dihayati mesej yang tersembunyi di sebalik pantang larang yang telah diperturunkan secara lisan sejak zaman berzaman.
Pantang Larang Wanita Hamil
1. Dilarang mencaci atau menceritakan kecacatan, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir juga akan cacat.
2. Dilarang memukul, mendera atau mencederakan mana-mana binatang, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir mengalami kecacatan.
3. Dilarang memaku, memahat, mengail atau menyembelih binatang, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahit bibir terbelah atau mengalami kecacatan.
4. Dilarang bergaduh dengan ibu mertua, dikhuatiri mengalami kesulitan ketika melahirkan anak.
5. Dilarang makan sotong, dikhuatiri menghadapi masalah ketika bersalin. Anak mungkin tercerut tali pusatnya.
6. Dilarang mencerca atau melihat sesuatu yang ganjil, dikhuatiri akan kenan.
7. Dilarang minum air tebu atau kelapa di awal kehamilan, dikhuatiri anak akan gugur.
8. Dilarang melihat gerhana, dikhuatiri anak mendapat tompok hitam atau bermata juling.
9. Dilarang melangkah kucing yang sedang tidur, dikhuatiri mata anak tertutup seperti kucing yang sedang tidur.
10. Dilarang menyusup di bawah penyidai, nanti anak akan terencat.
11. Dilarang makan makanan yang berakar seperti pegaga, nanti terlekat uri.
12. Dilarang tidur waktu tengahari, nanti kepala anak akan menjadi besar.
- Website :
Dalam masyarakat Melayu terdapat beberapa pantang larang yang masih lagi menjadi ikutan. Wanita-wanita hamil dilarang dari melakukan perkara-perkara berikut:
Dilarang mencaci, membuat fitnah, iri hati juga bergaduh dengan ibu mertua. Perbuatan tersebut dipercayai akan mempengaruhi perangai anak yang bakal lahir. Ibu mengandung juga akan mengalami kesulitan semasa melahirkan anak. Yang sebenarnya, tujuannya larangan di sini adalah untuk melahirkan rasa hormat kepada orang tua dan selalunya ibu mertua turut menjaga dan membantu sewaktu dalam pantang.
Dilarang memaku, memahat dan menggali lubang. Tidak boleh memukul atau mencederakan binatang kerana dikhuatiri akan menyebabkan anak yang bakal lahir cacat anggota badan.
Dilarang keluar rumah pada waktu petang atau senja kerana dikhuatiri hantu akan menggusiknya.
Hendaklah menjauhi pergaulan dengan orang yang tidak jujur atau rendah maruahnya, kerana dipercayai ini akan mempengaruhi perangai anak yang bakal lahir.
Dilarang melihat gerhana bulan ataupun matahari kerana dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir akan cacat atau berkulit gelap.
Dilarang duduk di anak tangga kerana dipercayai perbuatan ini akan mendatangkan kecelakaan kepada ibu sewaktu hendak melahirkan anak.
Ibu juga dilarang memikul batu kerana dikhuatiri anak dalam kandungan menjadi lumpuh. Tidak boleh menanam pokok pisang kerana dikatakan perbuatan ini boleh menyebabkan anak berkepala besar yang luar biasa.
Ditegah menyusun tempurung kerana dikhuatiri anak yang dilahirkan akan botak kepalanya.
Ibu mengandung juga tidak boleh membiarkan anak-anak melangkah perut kerana dikhuatiri anak akan lahir cacat atau dilahirkan tidak cukup bulan. Dilarang tidur pada waktu tengah hari kerana dikhuatiri kepala anak yang bakal lahir akan menjadi besar.
Selain pantang larang yang dinyatakan di atas terdapat beberapa pantang larang lagi yang bersangkut dengan suami kepada ibu mengandung:
Suami kepada ibu mengandung pula dilarang meniup seruling atau alat bunyi bunyian kerana dikhuatiri anak yang akan dilahirkan sentiasa menangis.
Suami juga dilarang menyembelih ataupun pergi memburu binatang kerana dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir cacat anggota badannya.
Suami juga dilarang memukul, membunuh binatang seperti ular dan sebagainya kerana dipercayai anak yang lahir akan cacat atau kenan binatang tersebut.
- Website :
Sejauhmana kebenaran pantang larang ini tidak dapat dipastikan. Namun apa yang penting di sini ialah sebagai bakal ibu dan ayah, manusia perlu senantiasa menjaga sikap dan tingkah laku, apatah lagi ketika hamil. Hanya kepada Allah s.w.t sahaja tempat hambanya meminta dan memohon agar tiada bala bencana ke atas kita sekeluarga insya Allah. Moga di anugerah anak yang comel lagi soleh.
Besok baru balik.
So aku pun terkedek-kedek la pulang ke kampung halaman.
Patutnya cam malas nak balik pun sebab last week kan baru balik.
Tapi bila tepon my mum and dia cakap ada masak siakap 3 rasa, sambal tumis petai, ikan sambal jawa ngan kerabu pegaga sedap, maka on d spot telah menyumbat baju dalam beg walopon menat. Dan sempat pulak la aku singgah beli Otak-Otak Kempas 100 kpg si bongsu kat umah tu order.
wuuu~ sangat lama la tak drive sendiri.
cam saspen jugak.
telah naik lemak dimanjakan oleh encik driver
By the way, last few days some funny things happenned.
kan aku dah cakap, 'what goes around comes around.
Pembalasan tu tak kira la dalam bentuk macam mana pun.
Jadik depan mata pulak tu.
Harus la ai nak gelak guling2 kan.
maybe I am wicked.
oh so what?
Nak letak gambo sendiri tapi kamera ntah gi mana.
Gambo guestbook2 yang dah siap pun aku tak sempat snap ha.
wuuu adakah hint2 utk kamera baru?
Walopon aku bizi melampau sebab nak siapkan order lagi ni tapi nak jugek la cerita tentang pantang larang yang aku jumpa kat internet. Betul ke tidak pantang larang ni aku tatau la. Yang baik kita jadikan tauladan, yg khurafat tu korang jangan la ikut okeh?
Pantang Larang Orang Melayu Tradisional merupakan kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu zaman lampau berkaitan dengan adat dan budaya warisan nenek moyang. Kebanyakan adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik masyarakat agar mengamalkan nilai-nilai murni dalam kehidupan. Apa yang disebut bukan untuk dipercayai tetapi untuk dihayati mesej yang tersembunyi di sebalik pantang larang yang telah diperturunkan secara lisan sejak zaman berzaman.
Pantang Larang Wanita Hamil
1. Dilarang mencaci atau menceritakan kecacatan, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir juga akan cacat.
2. Dilarang memukul, mendera atau mencederakan mana-mana binatang, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir mengalami kecacatan.
3. Dilarang memaku, memahat, mengail atau menyembelih binatang, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahit bibir terbelah atau mengalami kecacatan.
4. Dilarang bergaduh dengan ibu mertua, dikhuatiri mengalami kesulitan ketika melahirkan anak.
5. Dilarang makan sotong, dikhuatiri menghadapi masalah ketika bersalin. Anak mungkin tercerut tali pusatnya.
6. Dilarang mencerca atau melihat sesuatu yang ganjil, dikhuatiri akan kenan.
7. Dilarang minum air tebu atau kelapa di awal kehamilan, dikhuatiri anak akan gugur.
8. Dilarang melihat gerhana, dikhuatiri anak mendapat tompok hitam atau bermata juling.
9. Dilarang melangkah kucing yang sedang tidur, dikhuatiri mata anak tertutup seperti kucing yang sedang tidur.
10. Dilarang menyusup di bawah penyidai, nanti anak akan terencat.
11. Dilarang makan makanan yang berakar seperti pegaga, nanti terlekat uri.
12. Dilarang tidur waktu tengahari, nanti kepala anak akan menjadi besar.
- Website :
Dalam masyarakat Melayu terdapat beberapa pantang larang yang masih lagi menjadi ikutan. Wanita-wanita hamil dilarang dari melakukan perkara-perkara berikut:
Dilarang mencaci, membuat fitnah, iri hati juga bergaduh dengan ibu mertua. Perbuatan tersebut dipercayai akan mempengaruhi perangai anak yang bakal lahir. Ibu mengandung juga akan mengalami kesulitan semasa melahirkan anak. Yang sebenarnya, tujuannya larangan di sini adalah untuk melahirkan rasa hormat kepada orang tua dan selalunya ibu mertua turut menjaga dan membantu sewaktu dalam pantang.
Dilarang memaku, memahat dan menggali lubang. Tidak boleh memukul atau mencederakan binatang kerana dikhuatiri akan menyebabkan anak yang bakal lahir cacat anggota badan.
Dilarang keluar rumah pada waktu petang atau senja kerana dikhuatiri hantu akan menggusiknya.
Hendaklah menjauhi pergaulan dengan orang yang tidak jujur atau rendah maruahnya, kerana dipercayai ini akan mempengaruhi perangai anak yang bakal lahir.
Dilarang melihat gerhana bulan ataupun matahari kerana dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir akan cacat atau berkulit gelap.
Dilarang duduk di anak tangga kerana dipercayai perbuatan ini akan mendatangkan kecelakaan kepada ibu sewaktu hendak melahirkan anak.
Ibu juga dilarang memikul batu kerana dikhuatiri anak dalam kandungan menjadi lumpuh. Tidak boleh menanam pokok pisang kerana dikatakan perbuatan ini boleh menyebabkan anak berkepala besar yang luar biasa.
Ditegah menyusun tempurung kerana dikhuatiri anak yang dilahirkan akan botak kepalanya.
Ibu mengandung juga tidak boleh membiarkan anak-anak melangkah perut kerana dikhuatiri anak akan lahir cacat atau dilahirkan tidak cukup bulan. Dilarang tidur pada waktu tengah hari kerana dikhuatiri kepala anak yang bakal lahir akan menjadi besar.
Selain pantang larang yang dinyatakan di atas terdapat beberapa pantang larang lagi yang bersangkut dengan suami kepada ibu mengandung:
Suami kepada ibu mengandung pula dilarang meniup seruling atau alat bunyi bunyian kerana dikhuatiri anak yang akan dilahirkan sentiasa menangis.
Suami juga dilarang menyembelih ataupun pergi memburu binatang kerana dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir cacat anggota badannya.
Suami juga dilarang memukul, membunuh binatang seperti ular dan sebagainya kerana dipercayai anak yang lahir akan cacat atau kenan binatang tersebut.
- Website :
Sejauhmana kebenaran pantang larang ini tidak dapat dipastikan. Namun apa yang penting di sini ialah sebagai bakal ibu dan ayah, manusia perlu senantiasa menjaga sikap dan tingkah laku, apatah lagi ketika hamil. Hanya kepada Allah s.w.t sahaja tempat hambanya meminta dan memohon agar tiada bala bencana ke atas kita sekeluarga insya Allah. Moga di anugerah anak yang comel lagi soleh.
Sebab musabab...
Lately kan, tatau kenapa, tapi aku rasa macam selalu hanyut dalam kenangan.
Macam mood lagu aku sekarang.
it is like sitting in front of a window and everything happen kat depan mata.
macam mimpi.
macam bukan diri sendiri yang ngalami.
haha. of cos kau tak paham.
and like I said before, to those who knew, they'll know.
Dan masing-masing akan cakap, sha, u're most fortunate to have what u have now.
hum hum.
Selalu aku pikir, setiap yang berlaku tu mesti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi.
Aku belajar terima hakikat lama dulu, sejak aku masih belajar di Mlk dulu.
Patutnya memang sejak kecik dah kena terima hakikat tapi aku ni memang jenis yang susah skit kot.
Selalu mempersoalkan walaupun benda tu aku tak cakap tapi akan menghantui setiap hari sampai la aku jumpa jawapan yg boleh puaskan hati.
Yes, apa yang berlaku, memang bersebab.
Allah tak mungkin jadikan sesuatu yg buruk atau yang baik tanpa sebab yang tersendiri.
Dulu aku selalu persoalkan kenapa jadi begitu, begini walaupun benda tu kadang2 memang tak patut dipersoalkan tapi kenapa ntah. And kenapa ntah juger, sekarang, aku mula belajar untuk redha, kenapa hidup aku jadi begitu, begini.
The road that I've taken, is a long journey.
A very long journey.
And perasan tak, when we get older, we'll get wiser.
And softer.
a lot softer dan lebih pasrah.
and I've learnt it the hard way.
oke, motif sebenar bercerita di sini ialah, Allah tak mungkin jadikan sesuatu yg buruk atau yang baik tanpa sebab tertentu, sebab yang munasabah.
Contohnya macam, kenapa kau kawin lambat?
Maybe sebab kalau kawin awal, ekonomi tak kukuh lagi, kau nak bagi anak bini makan apa kalo duit pun cukup makan sendiri je?
And kalau duit cukup pun, maybe u're mentally not prepared.
Maybe kau tak puas hidup bujang, ke hulur ke hilir dengan kawan-kawan, mungkin sebab itu DIA lambatkan jodoh engkau.
Or maybe, u just haven't found the right person.
Janganlah berkahwin hanya sebab nak tutup mulut orang je kan.
You have to think of yourself.
Dengan dialah kau nak hidup bertahun-tahun sampai mati and if u're married to the wrong person just to change your marital status, tak payahlah. It will be a decision that u might regret someday. Tapi kadang-kadang ada jugak orang yang baru kenal tapi terus kawin and kekal ke akhir hayat. Itu pun aku rasa memang kedua-duanya kena banyak belajar to give and take. Kalau tak, faham-faham sajalah.
And contoh lain ialah, kenapa kau lambat dapat zuriat?
I know a lots of people kept asking this question.
And setelah berfikir-fikir, mesti ada jawapan yang walaupun pahit tapi tetap memuaskan hati.
Maybe sebab laki kau dok jauh.
DIA tak mahu kau susah seorang menjaga diri di sini.
Orang preknen banyak kerenahnya tau.
Sakit kakilah, pingganglah, perutlah.
Nanti siapa nak tolong picit semua tu kan.
Nak merengek itu ini mesti la nak laki ko dengar, kan.
Kalau tak, menangih la sorang-sorang ngadap dinding kat rumah tu ye.
Or maybe sebab DIA rasa, ekonomi kau tak berapa nak kukuh lagi...
Having a child is expensive.
Very expensive oke.
Yes, memang setiap anak itu datang dengan rezeki dia yang tersendiri.
Tapi untuk menampung hidup berdua yang masih belum kukuh dengan kehadiran cahaya mata, adalah agak payah juger.
Dan mungkin sebab itu DIA belum menganugerahkan lagi rezeki yang satu itu pada kamu...
So kesimpulannya, tengok lah pada diri sendiri.
Mungkin penyebab yang sebenar ada pada kita tanpa disedari atau tidak.
Dulu baru kenal sebulan dua, ada pompuan tu cakap, tak payah la ko kawan dengan orang hensem. ko takkan bahagia.
haha. pompuan tu cakap camtu sebab husben dia hensem tapi lansung takleh harap. bak kata dia, lembab.
kalau bini sendiri dah cakap laki dia lembab, ko rasa bini dia tu pompuan yg baik2 ke?
Then, bila dah kawan lama sikit, when I tell people how happy I am, ada orang tu cakap, eleh ko tak rasa lagi tunang macam mana. dugaan besar tau. setakat kawan baru 3, 4 bulan dah berangan. ko tengok la nanti...
Aku senyum je, malas nak layan.
Bila dah tunang, orang cakap lagi, ala setakat tunang tu tak heran la. ko belum rasa pahit maung kawin ni macam mana.
aiseh... macam la aku tak kenal laki aku kan.
and he knows how bad my life is before him.
so what?
we've both had our time, but we're moving on, menjadikan hidup lebih baik untuk kami berdua.
bapak punya riak la diorang ni bercakap macam dah bertahun2 kawin. padahalnya diri sendiri yang salah pilih pastu sibuk2 la nak compare buruk-burukkan orang lain.
And bila dah kawin, aku gelak sendiri.
Gelak kuat-kuat kat pompuan2 tu.
Padan muka ko dapat laki camtu.
Sibuk sangat nak tentukan hala hidup orang lain, kain sendiri koyak-rabak sana-sini tak nampak pulak.
Seriesly aku puas ati.
Sebab sepanjang kenal si dia, bertunang, berkahwin dan insya allah akan punya anak sendiri, dia tak pernah berubah malah menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.
Dia yang comel telah membasuh pinggan setiap hari okeh.
dan mop, mengemas, memasak, membasuh, sidai kain, vakum rumah, etc etc.
oh, aku bukan buli ye Harz tapi si dia yg sangat rajin membantu =p
I have sooo many things to say about everyone.
Di kiri di kanan, depan dan belakang.
I know who hates who, who jealous about who, so on and so on.
And I'm not an agreeable person.
Aku susah untuk bersetuju untuk apa-apapun.
Tapi aku adalah senyap.
Dan aku suka mengutuk dan memberontak dalam diam.
Dan kemudian menulis dengan dasat.
Dengan bersebab.
And aku sangat hepi bila husben2 korang sangat buroks perangai sepadan dengan perangai korang yg busuk ati berkarat tu okeh.
gelak kuat-kuat jap.
ye, hati aku pun bukan baik sangat tapi aku tak pernah mengutuk mengata orang tanpa sebab, especially kalo orang tu pernah nyakitkan hati aku, maka 10x ganda la aku balas kutukan dia. Tak kiralah macam mana gaya pun aku membalas.
upppss >;p
Macam mood lagu aku sekarang.
it is like sitting in front of a window and everything happen kat depan mata.
macam mimpi.
macam bukan diri sendiri yang ngalami.
haha. of cos kau tak paham.
and like I said before, to those who knew, they'll know.
Dan masing-masing akan cakap, sha, u're most fortunate to have what u have now.
hum hum.
Selalu aku pikir, setiap yang berlaku tu mesti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi.
Aku belajar terima hakikat lama dulu, sejak aku masih belajar di Mlk dulu.
Patutnya memang sejak kecik dah kena terima hakikat tapi aku ni memang jenis yang susah skit kot.
Selalu mempersoalkan walaupun benda tu aku tak cakap tapi akan menghantui setiap hari sampai la aku jumpa jawapan yg boleh puaskan hati.
Yes, apa yang berlaku, memang bersebab.
Allah tak mungkin jadikan sesuatu yg buruk atau yang baik tanpa sebab yang tersendiri.
Dulu aku selalu persoalkan kenapa jadi begitu, begini walaupun benda tu kadang2 memang tak patut dipersoalkan tapi kenapa ntah. And kenapa ntah juger, sekarang, aku mula belajar untuk redha, kenapa hidup aku jadi begitu, begini.
The road that I've taken, is a long journey.
A very long journey.
And perasan tak, when we get older, we'll get wiser.
And softer.
a lot softer dan lebih pasrah.
and I've learnt it the hard way.
oke, motif sebenar bercerita di sini ialah, Allah tak mungkin jadikan sesuatu yg buruk atau yang baik tanpa sebab tertentu, sebab yang munasabah.
Contohnya macam, kenapa kau kawin lambat?
Maybe sebab kalau kawin awal, ekonomi tak kukuh lagi, kau nak bagi anak bini makan apa kalo duit pun cukup makan sendiri je?
And kalau duit cukup pun, maybe u're mentally not prepared.
Maybe kau tak puas hidup bujang, ke hulur ke hilir dengan kawan-kawan, mungkin sebab itu DIA lambatkan jodoh engkau.
Or maybe, u just haven't found the right person.
Janganlah berkahwin hanya sebab nak tutup mulut orang je kan.
You have to think of yourself.
Dengan dialah kau nak hidup bertahun-tahun sampai mati and if u're married to the wrong person just to change your marital status, tak payahlah. It will be a decision that u might regret someday. Tapi kadang-kadang ada jugak orang yang baru kenal tapi terus kawin and kekal ke akhir hayat. Itu pun aku rasa memang kedua-duanya kena banyak belajar to give and take. Kalau tak, faham-faham sajalah.
And contoh lain ialah, kenapa kau lambat dapat zuriat?
I know a lots of people kept asking this question.
And setelah berfikir-fikir, mesti ada jawapan yang walaupun pahit tapi tetap memuaskan hati.
Maybe sebab laki kau dok jauh.
DIA tak mahu kau susah seorang menjaga diri di sini.
Orang preknen banyak kerenahnya tau.
Sakit kakilah, pingganglah, perutlah.
Nanti siapa nak tolong picit semua tu kan.
Nak merengek itu ini mesti la nak laki ko dengar, kan.
Kalau tak, menangih la sorang-sorang ngadap dinding kat rumah tu ye.
Or maybe sebab DIA rasa, ekonomi kau tak berapa nak kukuh lagi...
Having a child is expensive.
Very expensive oke.
Yes, memang setiap anak itu datang dengan rezeki dia yang tersendiri.
Tapi untuk menampung hidup berdua yang masih belum kukuh dengan kehadiran cahaya mata, adalah agak payah juger.
Dan mungkin sebab itu DIA belum menganugerahkan lagi rezeki yang satu itu pada kamu...
So kesimpulannya, tengok lah pada diri sendiri.
Mungkin penyebab yang sebenar ada pada kita tanpa disedari atau tidak.
Dulu baru kenal sebulan dua, ada pompuan tu cakap, tak payah la ko kawan dengan orang hensem. ko takkan bahagia.
haha. pompuan tu cakap camtu sebab husben dia hensem tapi lansung takleh harap. bak kata dia, lembab.
kalau bini sendiri dah cakap laki dia lembab, ko rasa bini dia tu pompuan yg baik2 ke?
Then, bila dah kawan lama sikit, when I tell people how happy I am, ada orang tu cakap, eleh ko tak rasa lagi tunang macam mana. dugaan besar tau. setakat kawan baru 3, 4 bulan dah berangan. ko tengok la nanti...
Aku senyum je, malas nak layan.
Bila dah tunang, orang cakap lagi, ala setakat tunang tu tak heran la. ko belum rasa pahit maung kawin ni macam mana.
aiseh... macam la aku tak kenal laki aku kan.
and he knows how bad my life is before him.
so what?
we've both had our time, but we're moving on, menjadikan hidup lebih baik untuk kami berdua.
bapak punya riak la diorang ni bercakap macam dah bertahun2 kawin. padahalnya diri sendiri yang salah pilih pastu sibuk2 la nak compare buruk-burukkan orang lain.
And bila dah kawin, aku gelak sendiri.
Gelak kuat-kuat kat pompuan2 tu.
Padan muka ko dapat laki camtu.
Sibuk sangat nak tentukan hala hidup orang lain, kain sendiri koyak-rabak sana-sini tak nampak pulak.
Seriesly aku puas ati.
Sebab sepanjang kenal si dia, bertunang, berkahwin dan insya allah akan punya anak sendiri, dia tak pernah berubah malah menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.
Dia yang comel telah membasuh pinggan setiap hari okeh.
dan mop, mengemas, memasak, membasuh, sidai kain, vakum rumah, etc etc.
oh, aku bukan buli ye Harz tapi si dia yg sangat rajin membantu =p
I have sooo many things to say about everyone.
Di kiri di kanan, depan dan belakang.
I know who hates who, who jealous about who, so on and so on.
And I'm not an agreeable person.
Aku susah untuk bersetuju untuk apa-apapun.
Tapi aku adalah senyap.
Dan aku suka mengutuk dan memberontak dalam diam.
Dan kemudian menulis dengan dasat.
Dengan bersebab.
And aku sangat hepi bila husben2 korang sangat buroks perangai sepadan dengan perangai korang yg busuk ati berkarat tu okeh.
gelak kuat-kuat jap.
ye, hati aku pun bukan baik sangat tapi aku tak pernah mengutuk mengata orang tanpa sebab, especially kalo orang tu pernah nyakitkan hati aku, maka 10x ganda la aku balas kutukan dia. Tak kiralah macam mana gaya pun aku membalas.
upppss >;p
Macam mana?...
ok, next question is, macam mana kau bole dapat baby?
Actually, to tell you the truth, I don't know.
It just happened.
Tapi last few months, when I knew that I have the fibroid, aku try makan Bidadari keluaran DCL tu. Kat kedai jamu banyak jual.
Sebab ramai orang cakap, benda tu baik utk reproductive system kita and harga dia pun tak mahal mana so why not I try.
Mula2 tu ingatkan benda tu tak sedap lansung tapi rupa-rupanya rasa dia not bad la.
Manis. Macam makan kurma.
And memang quite good for me sebab badan pun rasa macam best je.
And aku baru makan tak sampai sebotol tup-tup dah terpregnant...
So bila dah pregnant ni kena la stop makan tu.
Rasa cam membazir plak sebab banyak lagi dalam botol tu kan.
And for your info, lepas kawin aritu pun aku dah start makan folic acid.
Aku beli kat Guardian.
That is in case kalau terpregnant, insya allah good for the baby's neural tube.
Kalau tak makan, risiko kecacatan tu tinggi sikit.
And kebetulan pulak, cukup-cukup 3 bulan lepas aku makan folic acid tu, tiba-tiba dapat tau dah pregnant...
Memang time tu btul2 tinggal sebijik je lagi, and bila jumpa dokter, dia bagi stok utk 2 bln lagi. Sebab kalau ikutkan, for your baby's health, memang kena makan 3 bln before kita pregnant sebab itu untuk persediaan pembentukan neural tube dia.
And aku ada baca article pasal keburukkan asam/jeruk/air berkarbonat pada sistem peranakan kita.
Dah la aku ni dasat gak la makan benda alah tu.
Air asam boi, jeruk kedondong, jambu asam, coke sume tu jgn citer la...
Then bila aku baca artikel2 kesihatan macam tu tetiba cam sentap.
Pastu aku teringat sorang kawan aku ni kawin dah dekat 3 taun tapi sampai sekarang tak dapat anak.
Yang aku tau dia ni memang 24 jam la keje mengunyah asam.
Maybe that's one of the reason susah dapat anak, kan.
So aku pun automatik stop la makan asam2 tu...
Nanti kalo aku jumpa balik artikel tu aku letak kat sini eh.
And lagi satu, aku ada baca jugak pasal it's easier to get pregnant when u climax during sex. Maleh nak elaborate kat sini sebab kang ader org condemn. Lagipun kat sini ramai gak brides2be yang baca so korang kena experience dulu baru tau eh. hehe.
Tapi pada pendapat aku benda tu memang betul pun.
Kalo climax kan sperma ngan ovum tu sama2 laju ke dpn so potensi nak bergabung tu tinggi la.
So, gitulah ceritanya...
Tatau la menjawab soalan korang ke tak tapi tak salah kalo mencuba, kan.
'hoho bahasa aku sangat bersopan santun arini =p
*How to Get Pregnant With a Baby Boy*
If you are trying to get pregnant with a baby boy, there are several things you can do to increase your odds. Many couples have an opinion on which gender they would prefer, and if you are one of those trying at the moment to get a son, then you must follow these simple instructions.
First things first...You have to get a Y Chromosome Meet the Egg First!
After all, this is the bottom line. The baby's gender is determined the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. This is because each sperm carries either an X or Y chromosome. X being a girl and Y being a boy. But how do we do this?
They are Speedy, but make them speedier!
Y chromosomes, or male sperm are quicker then girl sperm. To get pregnant with a baby boy you need to make sure the faster swimming sperm get their first. To do this you will want to time sexual intercourse to be immediately before ovulation occurs. If you have sex too soon, by the time the egg is released from the woman's ovary, the hearty, longer living x sperm (girl sperm) will be ready and waiting to penetrate. You also want to be sure that the man has deep penetration, getting the fast swimming male sperm as close to the egg as possible. This can be accomplished with either rear entry or any position that would allow for deep penetration. It has been said that if the man drinking caffeine before intercourse it gives the males an advantage.
Play on their strengths and not weaknesses
Y chromosomes are fast. So help them along by timing things perfectly. Use ovulation tests and chart your temperature that month to be sure you know when ovulation is going to occur. Also, do not over do it. Trying too hard can cause the reverse to happen. If you have too much intercourse you are giving the girl sperm the advantage because they are heartier and live longer. If you have sex 3 or 4 days before ovulation and want to get pregnant with a probably won't. The reason being, that the male sperm by this point will most likely be dead and gone, and the female sperm will be already in the fallopian tube, just ready and waiting to meet the egg. So even if you have intercourse the day you ovulate, but previously had sex a few days before, your chances are drastically reduced because the slower swimming female sperm will probably already be at the prime location.
Your pH level needs to be alkaline
Lowering your pH level while trying to conceive, to make it more alkaline is key to get pregnant with a baby boy. You can easily pick up test strips to see what your level is. If you are more acidic you will want to cut out acidic foods for a few weeks and eat only foods that make your body more alkaline. Avoid calcium and sweets and eat sodium rich foods. You can also douche with baking soda and water to achieve this as well. There are different recipes to follow depending on your pH level.
The most important thing to remember when trying to get pregnant with a baby boy is to give them the advantage. They are faster swimmers then the female sperm, so help them get there faster. For more information visit,
Jenna Garvin is the owner and founder of The Pregnancy Health Center, the #1 online resource for pregnancy and conception health.
Article Source:
Actually, to tell you the truth, I don't know.
It just happened.
Tapi last few months, when I knew that I have the fibroid, aku try makan Bidadari keluaran DCL tu. Kat kedai jamu banyak jual.
Sebab ramai orang cakap, benda tu baik utk reproductive system kita and harga dia pun tak mahal mana so why not I try.
Mula2 tu ingatkan benda tu tak sedap lansung tapi rupa-rupanya rasa dia not bad la.
Manis. Macam makan kurma.
And memang quite good for me sebab badan pun rasa macam best je.
And aku baru makan tak sampai sebotol tup-tup dah terpregnant...
So bila dah pregnant ni kena la stop makan tu.
Rasa cam membazir plak sebab banyak lagi dalam botol tu kan.
And for your info, lepas kawin aritu pun aku dah start makan folic acid.
Aku beli kat Guardian.
That is in case kalau terpregnant, insya allah good for the baby's neural tube.
Kalau tak makan, risiko kecacatan tu tinggi sikit.
And kebetulan pulak, cukup-cukup 3 bulan lepas aku makan folic acid tu, tiba-tiba dapat tau dah pregnant...
Memang time tu btul2 tinggal sebijik je lagi, and bila jumpa dokter, dia bagi stok utk 2 bln lagi. Sebab kalau ikutkan, for your baby's health, memang kena makan 3 bln before kita pregnant sebab itu untuk persediaan pembentukan neural tube dia.
And aku ada baca article pasal keburukkan asam/jeruk/air berkarbonat pada sistem peranakan kita.
Dah la aku ni dasat gak la makan benda alah tu.
Air asam boi, jeruk kedondong, jambu asam, coke sume tu jgn citer la...
Then bila aku baca artikel2 kesihatan macam tu tetiba cam sentap.
Pastu aku teringat sorang kawan aku ni kawin dah dekat 3 taun tapi sampai sekarang tak dapat anak.
Yang aku tau dia ni memang 24 jam la keje mengunyah asam.
Maybe that's one of the reason susah dapat anak, kan.
So aku pun automatik stop la makan asam2 tu...
Nanti kalo aku jumpa balik artikel tu aku letak kat sini eh.
And lagi satu, aku ada baca jugak pasal it's easier to get pregnant when u climax during sex. Maleh nak elaborate kat sini sebab kang ader org condemn. Lagipun kat sini ramai gak brides2be yang baca so korang kena experience dulu baru tau eh. hehe.
Tapi pada pendapat aku benda tu memang betul pun.
Kalo climax kan sperma ngan ovum tu sama2 laju ke dpn so potensi nak bergabung tu tinggi la.
So, gitulah ceritanya...
Tatau la menjawab soalan korang ke tak tapi tak salah kalo mencuba, kan.
'hoho bahasa aku sangat bersopan santun arini =p
*How to Get Pregnant With a Baby Boy*
If you are trying to get pregnant with a baby boy, there are several things you can do to increase your odds. Many couples have an opinion on which gender they would prefer, and if you are one of those trying at the moment to get a son, then you must follow these simple instructions.
First things first...You have to get a Y Chromosome Meet the Egg First!
After all, this is the bottom line. The baby's gender is determined the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. This is because each sperm carries either an X or Y chromosome. X being a girl and Y being a boy. But how do we do this?
They are Speedy, but make them speedier!
Y chromosomes, or male sperm are quicker then girl sperm. To get pregnant with a baby boy you need to make sure the faster swimming sperm get their first. To do this you will want to time sexual intercourse to be immediately before ovulation occurs. If you have sex too soon, by the time the egg is released from the woman's ovary, the hearty, longer living x sperm (girl sperm) will be ready and waiting to penetrate. You also want to be sure that the man has deep penetration, getting the fast swimming male sperm as close to the egg as possible. This can be accomplished with either rear entry or any position that would allow for deep penetration. It has been said that if the man drinking caffeine before intercourse it gives the males an advantage.
Play on their strengths and not weaknesses
Y chromosomes are fast. So help them along by timing things perfectly. Use ovulation tests and chart your temperature that month to be sure you know when ovulation is going to occur. Also, do not over do it. Trying too hard can cause the reverse to happen. If you have too much intercourse you are giving the girl sperm the advantage because they are heartier and live longer. If you have sex 3 or 4 days before ovulation and want to get pregnant with a probably won't. The reason being, that the male sperm by this point will most likely be dead and gone, and the female sperm will be already in the fallopian tube, just ready and waiting to meet the egg. So even if you have intercourse the day you ovulate, but previously had sex a few days before, your chances are drastically reduced because the slower swimming female sperm will probably already be at the prime location.
Your pH level needs to be alkaline
Lowering your pH level while trying to conceive, to make it more alkaline is key to get pregnant with a baby boy. You can easily pick up test strips to see what your level is. If you are more acidic you will want to cut out acidic foods for a few weeks and eat only foods that make your body more alkaline. Avoid calcium and sweets and eat sodium rich foods. You can also douche with baking soda and water to achieve this as well. There are different recipes to follow depending on your pH level.
The most important thing to remember when trying to get pregnant with a baby boy is to give them the advantage. They are faster swimmers then the female sperm, so help them get there faster. For more information visit,
Jenna Garvin is the owner and founder of The Pregnancy Health Center, the #1 online resource for pregnancy and conception health.
Article Source:
aa sangat bizi lately sampai tak sempat nak reply komen2 pun.
maaf ye kekawan ^-^
I've 3 orders to settle this week and weekend plak sangat bersuka-ria balik ke kampung. Next week balik kampung Hubby plak sebab nak pegi kenduri Ally and next 2 weeks pun balik kampung lagi sebab nak gi kenduri kawan Hubby.
And so many things to do juger kat opis.
uppss ader orang jaki la aku nulis kat sini.
Dia tak suka tulisan aku tapi yg heran tu dia sangat suka plak baca apa2 pun yang aku tulis.
'hohoho sebab aku best kot =p
oo ye, tatau la kot aku lupa nak cakap ke or memang ko yg tak paham bahasa tapi aku tak suke la orang2 b*** cam ko merempat kat sini. aku tau la ko ada kepedasan ngan tulisan aku ni kan tapi what to do... itu adalah kebenaran. and oh~ ada aku kesah? ni blog aku so sukeati aku la nak nulis cemana gaya pun kan. cam menyemak je la ko kat sini.
blah blah blah okeh.
'ai suker =p
oh, and sebab ai tgh ngandung, ai malas nak layan sangat org2 b*** nih and akan berusaha ngurangkan aktiviti kutuk-mengutuk sebab tu ai letak b* tu sebagai kata ganti okeh.
maaf ye kekawan ^-^
I've 3 orders to settle this week and weekend plak sangat bersuka-ria balik ke kampung. Next week balik kampung Hubby plak sebab nak pegi kenduri Ally and next 2 weeks pun balik kampung lagi sebab nak gi kenduri kawan Hubby.
And so many things to do juger kat opis.
uppss ader orang jaki la aku nulis kat sini.
Dia tak suka tulisan aku tapi yg heran tu dia sangat suka plak baca apa2 pun yang aku tulis.
'hohoho sebab aku best kot =p
oo ye, tatau la kot aku lupa nak cakap ke or memang ko yg tak paham bahasa tapi aku tak suke la orang2 b*** cam ko merempat kat sini. aku tau la ko ada kepedasan ngan tulisan aku ni kan tapi what to do... itu adalah kebenaran. and oh~ ada aku kesah? ni blog aku so sukeati aku la nak nulis cemana gaya pun kan. cam menyemak je la ko kat sini.
blah blah blah okeh.
'ai suker =p
oh, and sebab ai tgh ngandung, ai malas nak layan sangat org2 b*** nih and akan berusaha ngurangkan aktiviti kutuk-mengutuk sebab tu ai letak b* tu sebagai kata ganti okeh.
and the story begins...
so, how do we start.
ok, the first question is, macam mana kau tahu?
hummm I think I knew long before I even know it.
Sebabnya my big boss kept saying that I am pregnant.
That is when we had to send volunteers for the oil cleansing activities at TR last month.
Dia memang tak bagi pegi sebab dia cakap aku preknen.
Pastu bila aku cakap aku belum preknen, dia macam blur.
Tapi yg lagi 2 orang tu sangat la bizi bodi suh aku pegi jugak.
Tapi memang aku tak pegi la sebab aku mana bole angkat berat2 kan.
Kang tak pasal2 aku MC seminggu cam aritu kang.
So lantak la orang nak cakap aku pentingkan diri ke hape, yang penting ni diri aku so aku berhak buat keputusan untuk kebaikan diri sendiri kan. Sebab aku tau of cos la akan ada cakap2 belakang di kemudian hari, so ada aku kesah?
'ai suker sebab my Hubby sangat supportpenyanyi backup ai di belakang. haha.
Pastu aku kan batuk yg dasat aritu.
Dah pergi klinik 2, 3 kali tapi tak baik jugak sampai dokter bagi antibiotik yg paling kuat tapi aku tak makan pun sebab nape ntah.
And tiap kali batuk tu cam nak terkeluar la isi perut.
Memang tahap batuk je nak muntah sampai ada satu ketika tu aku rasa muntah tu dah kat kerongkong tapi aku gi telan balik sebab punye la tanak muntah.
And aku kan suka online sambil meniarap.
Ada one time tu bangun je dr meniarap, terus nak terbelahak kat situ jugak.
Tapi of cos telah telan balik. hehe.
Tu yang aku dah start suspek something. cam gile apa la kan sume benda nak muntah je.
Tapi time tu period aku lambat lagi. Ada la 2, 3 minggu before tu kan.
And then, aku memang sakit perut sangat2.
Remember this entry?
Macam senggugut yang amats pastu sakit pinggang cramp2 cam salah bantal.
Nak mengiring ke kiri lansung tak boleh, rasa macam nak terburai je perut tu.
So penyudahnya aku cuma tidur terlentang or mengiring ke kanan.
And then, time tu dah nak dkt2 period.
Stok pad plak tinggal 2, 3 keping jek.
Pastu cam tak terasa nak beli padahal period pain tu cam dah datang gak.
nape ntah.
Macam perasaan something je la kan.
Pastu tup2, lewat sehari.
Aku tak cakap kat Hubby lagi sebab dari dulu pun period aku memang jenis tak tetap.
Pastu dua ari, tiga ari...
Aku cakap kat Hubby, next week je la baru cek padahal dalam hati cam, huuuu tak sabonyeh!
Sebab kalo cek2 tapi -ve kan mcm sakit ati jugak kan.
Pastu cam bazir sebab kalo test tu cakap +ve, still kena confirm ngan dokter kan, tu yg aku biar je dulu.
Kekawan opis yg dok keliling aku cam dah suspek2 la kan.
Diorang ni cam ada sixth sense plak.
Pastu aku pun gi course kat KL...
Time kat KL tu aku jalan sesorang, nampak farmasi cam nak singgah je beli benda alah tu sebab eagerness tu cam takleh nak control dah.
cam lantak la kan -ve ke +ve ke at least aku tau result dia takde tertanya2 camni.
Dah siap amik tu, tgh nak bayo tetiba terpikir balik cam, takyah la... baik gi cek kat spital je balik nanti, lagi accurate ha.
Dibuatnya test tu false +ve or -ve kang down pulak aku sesorang kat KL ni. hehe.
Then, balik dari KL tu, I went for a follow-up checkup at a specialist centre due to my fibroid problem. yes, rupanya one of the reason yang aku dok sakit perut selama ni adalah fibroid oke.
He did a scan sebab nak tau how bad my fibroid is and when I told him that I've a missed period dia senyum jek pastu dia gi scan la.
Suddenly when he scanned, wahhhh!! the miracle is there just as what we expected!
alhamdulillah... ^_^
Hubby tak ikut sebab dia keje but I'm still sooo overly excited sampai lupa nak amik gambo scan. Tersengih je sepanjang jalan pastu cam gelak2 yg dasat bila dah masuk kete.
But since the fibroid is still there, I have to go for checkup the following week and routine checkup every month just to make sure that it doesn't get any bigger.
Last few days I went for another checkup and kali ni sempat la print gambo 8 minggu nak nunjuk kat Hubby. Tapi takleh nunjuk kat sini sebab camera aku pegi mana ntah.
He is so overly excited cam ai.
Tapi yang paling kelako adalah tiap kali lepas mandi, dia akan mop lantai bilik air.
1st time dia buat gitu ai rasa nak gelak okeh.
Aku tanya nape? Dia cakap, 'takut cyg tergelincir masuk bilik air.
padahalnya selama ni tadek plak aku tergelincir masuk toilet tuh.
So, here it is.
almost 6 weeks old when I knew I was pregnant ^_^
ok, the first question is, macam mana kau tahu?
hummm I think I knew long before I even know it.
Sebabnya my big boss kept saying that I am pregnant.
That is when we had to send volunteers for the oil cleansing activities at TR last month.
Dia memang tak bagi pegi sebab dia cakap aku preknen.
Pastu bila aku cakap aku belum preknen, dia macam blur.
Tapi yg lagi 2 orang tu sangat la bizi bodi suh aku pegi jugak.
Tapi memang aku tak pegi la sebab aku mana bole angkat berat2 kan.
Kang tak pasal2 aku MC seminggu cam aritu kang.
So lantak la orang nak cakap aku pentingkan diri ke hape, yang penting ni diri aku so aku berhak buat keputusan untuk kebaikan diri sendiri kan. Sebab aku tau of cos la akan ada cakap2 belakang di kemudian hari, so ada aku kesah?
'ai suker sebab my Hubby sangat support
Pastu aku kan batuk yg dasat aritu.
Dah pergi klinik 2, 3 kali tapi tak baik jugak sampai dokter bagi antibiotik yg paling kuat tapi aku tak makan pun sebab nape ntah.
And tiap kali batuk tu cam nak terkeluar la isi perut.
Memang tahap batuk je nak muntah sampai ada satu ketika tu aku rasa muntah tu dah kat kerongkong tapi aku gi telan balik sebab punye la tanak muntah.
And aku kan suka online sambil meniarap.
Ada one time tu bangun je dr meniarap, terus nak terbelahak kat situ jugak.
Tapi of cos telah telan balik. hehe.
Tu yang aku dah start suspek something. cam gile apa la kan sume benda nak muntah je.
Tapi time tu period aku lambat lagi. Ada la 2, 3 minggu before tu kan.
And then, aku memang sakit perut sangat2.
Remember this entry?
Macam senggugut yang amats pastu sakit pinggang cramp2 cam salah bantal.
Nak mengiring ke kiri lansung tak boleh, rasa macam nak terburai je perut tu.
So penyudahnya aku cuma tidur terlentang or mengiring ke kanan.
And then, time tu dah nak dkt2 period.
Stok pad plak tinggal 2, 3 keping jek.
Pastu cam tak terasa nak beli padahal period pain tu cam dah datang gak.
nape ntah.
Macam perasaan something je la kan.
Pastu tup2, lewat sehari.
Aku tak cakap kat Hubby lagi sebab dari dulu pun period aku memang jenis tak tetap.
Pastu dua ari, tiga ari...
Aku cakap kat Hubby, next week je la baru cek padahal dalam hati cam, huuuu tak sabonyeh!
Sebab kalo cek2 tapi -ve kan mcm sakit ati jugak kan.
Pastu cam bazir sebab kalo test tu cakap +ve, still kena confirm ngan dokter kan, tu yg aku biar je dulu.
Kekawan opis yg dok keliling aku cam dah suspek2 la kan.
Diorang ni cam ada sixth sense plak.
Pastu aku pun gi course kat KL...
Time kat KL tu aku jalan sesorang, nampak farmasi cam nak singgah je beli benda alah tu sebab eagerness tu cam takleh nak control dah.
cam lantak la kan -ve ke +ve ke at least aku tau result dia takde tertanya2 camni.
Dah siap amik tu, tgh nak bayo tetiba terpikir balik cam, takyah la... baik gi cek kat spital je balik nanti, lagi accurate ha.
Dibuatnya test tu false +ve or -ve kang down pulak aku sesorang kat KL ni. hehe.
Then, balik dari KL tu, I went for a follow-up checkup at a specialist centre due to my fibroid problem. yes, rupanya one of the reason yang aku dok sakit perut selama ni adalah fibroid oke.
He did a scan sebab nak tau how bad my fibroid is and when I told him that I've a missed period dia senyum jek pastu dia gi scan la.
Suddenly when he scanned, wahhhh!! the miracle is there just as what we expected!
alhamdulillah... ^_^
Hubby tak ikut sebab dia keje but I'm still sooo overly excited sampai lupa nak amik gambo scan. Tersengih je sepanjang jalan pastu cam gelak2 yg dasat bila dah masuk kete.
But since the fibroid is still there, I have to go for checkup the following week and routine checkup every month just to make sure that it doesn't get any bigger.
Last few days I went for another checkup and kali ni sempat la print gambo 8 minggu nak nunjuk kat Hubby. Tapi takleh nunjuk kat sini sebab camera aku pegi mana ntah.
He is so overly excited cam ai.
Tapi yang paling kelako adalah tiap kali lepas mandi, dia akan mop lantai bilik air.
1st time dia buat gitu ai rasa nak gelak okeh.
Aku tanya nape? Dia cakap, 'takut cyg tergelincir masuk bilik air.
padahalnya selama ni tadek plak aku tergelincir masuk toilet tuh.
So, here it is.
almost 6 weeks old when I knew I was pregnant ^_^
Foods to Avoid When You're...
To answer your questions, yes I'm preggy...
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadratMu ya Allah...
The experience?
I will tell you the whole story later, insyaallah.
Before I went for the checkup, baru je beli baju saiz S dua helai ngan jeans saiz 27 selai.
pose2 cam ko dah slim la kan.
Next week tu gi checkup sebab sakit perut yg amats, tup2 wahhhh suda 6 minggu gitu.
nape time gi try baju kat JJ aritu perut cam kurus sekeping sajer.
adekah penipuan pd cermin kat fitting room ittew?
Penyudahnya, bukan setakat seluar baru tu tak muat, malahan seluar yg lama2 pun dah sendat dah aku rasa. harus la selongkar balik baju kurung ngan skirt2 lama dalam lemari tu kan T_T
And I'm a bit afraid actually.
coz I've been eating durians like mad lately.
tatau pon org preggy takleh mkn durian nih.
Foods to Avoid When You're Pregnant
Pregnant? Think twice about these foods to avoid health risks for you and your baby.
by Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD
WebMD Feature Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD
When you’re expecting, what you eat and drink influences your child’s health, possibly forever. Everyday foods and beverages take on new meaning, as some may present a danger to your developing baby.
Whole and lightly processed foods, such as whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and low-fat dairy should form the basis of your pregnancy diet. Here are items that you may want to avoid while you're pregnant.
Raw or Undercooked Food of Animal Origin
Undercooked animal foods -- such as rare meat, raw oysters, clams, sushi, unpasteurized eggs, raw cookie or cake dough, and homemade eggnog), may contain an array of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. To reduce your risk of foodborne illness, test the doneness of meat, poultry, and fish with a food thermometer, cook eggs until they are no longer runny, and follow baking instructions -- don't eat raw dough.
Hot Dogs, Luncheon Meats, and Unpasteurized Dairy Foods
These foods are prone to Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria that causes listeriosis, which may result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or other serious health problems.
Besides hot dogs and luncheon meats --- which include deli ham or turkey, bologna, and salami -- other processed meats and seafood that may contain listeria include refrigerated pates or meat spreads, and refrigerated smoked seafood (such as salmon, trout, whitefish, cod, tuna, or mackerel). These items may be labeled as "nova-style," "lox," "kippered," "smoked," or "jerky."
Refrigerated smoked seafood is safe when it's part of a cooked dish, like casseroles. Luncheon meats and frankfurters are OK to eat if you reheat them until they are steaming hot, says Michael Lu, MD, UCLA professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and public health and author of Get Ready to Get Pregnant: Your Complete Pre-Pregnancy Guide to Making a Smart and Healthy Baby.
"Pregnant women should avoid getting the fluid from hot dog packages on other foods, utensils, and food preparation surfaces, and wash their hands after handling hot dogs, and deli luncheon meats," to further decrease potential contact with listeria, Lu says.
Unpasteurized dairy foods are also prone to listeria.
Avoid raw milk and dairy products made from unpasteurized milk, such as Brie, feta, Camembert, Roquefort, blue-veined, queso blanco, queso fresco, and queso Panela.
Certain Seafood and Fish
Large fish -- such as swordfish, shark, tilefish, and king mackerel -- harbor higher concentrations of mercury, compared to other fish. Mercury is a byproduct of coal-burning plants that interferes with the normal development of a growing child's brain and nervous system.
According to the FDA, pregnant and nursing women may eat up to 12 ounces weekly of seafood low in mercury, including salmon (farmed and wild), shrimp, canned light tuna, pollock, sardines, tilapia, and catfish. Because albacore (white) tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna, the FDA recommends that pregnant women limit albacore tuna to no more than 6 ounces a week, and include it in the 12-ounce limit.
Fish caught for sport in rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams may also contain industrial pollutants that play havoc with a developing nervous system. Recreational anglers should check the safety of waterways with their local health departments.
Raw Vegetable Sprouts
The FDA advises everyone, regardless of pregnancy, not to eat raw sprouts -- including alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts.
The reason: Bacteria can get into sprout seeds and are "nearly impossible" to wash out, states the FDA's web site. The FDA recommends that pregnant women request that raw sprouts not be added to your food.
It's OK to eat thoroughly cooked sprouts, according to the FDA.
Drinks to Limit or Avoid :
Alcohol (beer, wine, or spirits) robs developing cells of oxygen and nutrients, preventing normal fetal development. The effects of alcohol exposure in the womb on intellectual abilities and physical growth are permanent.
Unpasteurized juices, such as cider purchased from roadside stands, at farms, or in stores. These products are prone to germs, including E. coli. Check the label to be sure juice is pasteurized.
Lead is linked to low birth weight, preterm delivery, and developmental delays in children. If you have an older home with pipes made of lead, it can leach into your tap water, and home filtration systems may not prevent it from reaching you.
If you’re in doubt about your tap water, have it tested.
Bottled water isn't necessarily purer; it's often repurposed municipal water.
Caffeine from coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy beverages, and other sources may increase the risk of miscarriage, reduced birth weight, and stillbirth, but the research is conflicting. The March of Dimes recommends limiting caffeine consumption to 200 milligrams a day. That's about the amount found in 12 ounces of coffee.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
BPA is an industrial chemical used to make many hard plastics and the liners of many canned foods. It's an endocrine disruptor that could disturb normal fetal development, Lu says.
The FDA is studying BPA and has not recommended that pregnant women avoid BPA. But in January 2010, the FDA stated that "recent studies provide reason for some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants, and children." Most of those tests have been done on animals, and the FDA says there are "substantial uncertainties" about BPA's effects on human health. The plastics industry has maintained that low levels of BPA exposure are safe.
If you choose to avoid BPA while pregnant, a wide range of BPA-free plastics and glass containers are available.
Herbal Teas and Supplements
Herbal teas are caffeine-free, but their safety is unclear when you’re expecting. There are no reliable human studies on the safety of herbal preparations, including supplements such as Echinacea and St. John’s wort, during pregnancy.The FDA does not routinely monitor the quality of dietary supplements.
"While it’s probably safe to drink the herbal teas found on supermarket shelves, pregnant women should avoid large quantities of herbal tea, and completely avoid herbal supplements," Lu says.
Duffy MacKay, ND, is the vice president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group for the supplements industry. In an email to WebMD, MacKay states that "there are herbs and other supplements that can be used safely to support a healthy pregnancy” but tell your doctor or midwife about any supplement use during pregnancy.
MacKay says there is "scientific consensus" that these common herbs and supplements should be avoided during pregnancy :
Herbs that contain stimulants or caffeine-containing supplements, especially those that are intended to promote weight loss, guarana, kola nut, betel (Piper betle), Citrum aurantium, yohimbe, theobromine (cocoa extract), Garcinai cambogia.
Other botanicals to avoid while pregnant include golden seal, Cascara sagrada, black walnut, wormwood, tansy, pennyroyal, senna, saw palmetto, pao d'arco, MacKay says.
MacKay also advises women who are pregnant, or who could become pregnant, not to take 10,000 or more IU per day of vitamin A because of the risk of birth defects. And MacKay says that "many newer and specialty nutrients have not been proven safe for use during pregnancy and should be avoided."
The bottom line : Talk to your obstetrician about any herbal supplements or vitamins before taking them during pregnancy.
Foods That May Cause Food Allergy
If you, your child’s father, or one of your other children has allergies, your baby is more likely to have food allergies.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that avoiding certain food allergens, such as peanuts and peanut products, during pregnancy and when nursing a child may reduce allergy in susceptible children.
But there’s little, if any, benefit to avoiding allergens during pregnancy and breastfeeding for everyone else.
Before changing your diet, talk to your doctor about your family history of allergies and asthma, and speak with a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about food allergies.
Excess Calories
You’re eating for two now, but you don’t need twice the calories. Gaining too much weight threatens your health, and may increase the risk of childhood overweight in your future child.
In the second trimester, add 340 calories a day to your pre-pregnancy calorie needs, and 450 a day more in the third trimester. But if you’re very overweight at conception, or if your physical activity level drops, you may need fewer calories during pregnancy. Still, pregnancy is not a time to try to lose weight. Ask your doctor or dietitian what calorie level is right for you.
There is room for treats like ice cream, chips, and cookies during pregnancy, but it’s important to choose foods that do double duty by providing the additional calories you need, as well as the extra nutrients that maximize your baby’s development.
Some foods are no-nos
During pregnancy you should try to avoid :
• Raw seafood, such as oysters or sushi.
• The cockles found in laksa and char kway teow are supposed to be boiled before they are added to these dishes, but you may want to ask the hawker to leave them out as you can't know how thoroughly they were cooked.
• Steamboat ingredients that are not cooked through - make sure the broth is brought to boil every time new ingredients are added, especially shellfish, meats and eggs.
• Cheeses with a white, "mouldy" rind, such as Brie and Camembert, and blue-veined cheeses like Stilton. All these cheeses could contain listeria, a bacteria that could harm your baby.
• Pate, raw or undercooked meat, poultry and eggs (cook all meat until there are no pink bits left and eggs till they are hard). All are possible sources of bacteria that can harm your unborn child.
• Liver and liver products (pate, liver sausage) should be avoided, too, because they may contain large amounts of the retinol form of vitamin A, too much of which could be bad for your developing baby.
• It is recommended that some women avoid peanuts and foods that contain them. If you, your husband, or any of your other children (if you have any) have a history of allergies such as hayfever, asthma, or eczema, avoiding peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding may reduce your baby's chances of developing a potentially serious peanut allergy.
• Many women choose to avoid or cut down on alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, too. Drinking too much alcohol can cause physical defects, learning disabilities, and emotional problems in children, so many experts recommend that you give up alcohol completely while you are pregnant.
• You might want to cut down on caffeine, too. This may be easy for women who are suddenly revolted by the stuff during their first trimester, but that doesn't happen for everyone. Why is caffeine a potential problem? Research has linked consuming more than 300mg of caffeine a day with an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight, and one study has linked even low levels of caffeine to miscarriage. To be on the safe side you may want to be more cautious and cut down further on caffeine, or switch to non-decaffeinated hot drinks and colas, instead.
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadratMu ya Allah...
The experience?
I will tell you the whole story later, insyaallah.
Before I went for the checkup, baru je beli baju saiz S dua helai ngan jeans saiz 27 selai.
pose2 cam ko dah slim la kan.
Next week tu gi checkup sebab sakit perut yg amats, tup2 wahhhh suda 6 minggu gitu.
nape time gi try baju kat JJ aritu perut cam kurus sekeping sajer.
adekah penipuan pd cermin kat fitting room ittew?
Penyudahnya, bukan setakat seluar baru tu tak muat, malahan seluar yg lama2 pun dah sendat dah aku rasa. harus la selongkar balik baju kurung ngan skirt2 lama dalam lemari tu kan T_T
And I'm a bit afraid actually.
coz I've been eating durians like mad lately.
tatau pon org preggy takleh mkn durian nih.
Foods to Avoid When You're Pregnant
Pregnant? Think twice about these foods to avoid health risks for you and your baby.
by Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD
WebMD Feature Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD
When you’re expecting, what you eat and drink influences your child’s health, possibly forever. Everyday foods and beverages take on new meaning, as some may present a danger to your developing baby.
Whole and lightly processed foods, such as whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and low-fat dairy should form the basis of your pregnancy diet. Here are items that you may want to avoid while you're pregnant.
Raw or Undercooked Food of Animal Origin
Undercooked animal foods -- such as rare meat, raw oysters, clams, sushi, unpasteurized eggs, raw cookie or cake dough, and homemade eggnog), may contain an array of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. To reduce your risk of foodborne illness, test the doneness of meat, poultry, and fish with a food thermometer, cook eggs until they are no longer runny, and follow baking instructions -- don't eat raw dough.
Hot Dogs, Luncheon Meats, and Unpasteurized Dairy Foods
These foods are prone to Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria that causes listeriosis, which may result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or other serious health problems.
Besides hot dogs and luncheon meats --- which include deli ham or turkey, bologna, and salami -- other processed meats and seafood that may contain listeria include refrigerated pates or meat spreads, and refrigerated smoked seafood (such as salmon, trout, whitefish, cod, tuna, or mackerel). These items may be labeled as "nova-style," "lox," "kippered," "smoked," or "jerky."
Refrigerated smoked seafood is safe when it's part of a cooked dish, like casseroles. Luncheon meats and frankfurters are OK to eat if you reheat them until they are steaming hot, says Michael Lu, MD, UCLA professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and public health and author of Get Ready to Get Pregnant: Your Complete Pre-Pregnancy Guide to Making a Smart and Healthy Baby.
"Pregnant women should avoid getting the fluid from hot dog packages on other foods, utensils, and food preparation surfaces, and wash their hands after handling hot dogs, and deli luncheon meats," to further decrease potential contact with listeria, Lu says.
Unpasteurized dairy foods are also prone to listeria.
Avoid raw milk and dairy products made from unpasteurized milk, such as Brie, feta, Camembert, Roquefort, blue-veined, queso blanco, queso fresco, and queso Panela.
Certain Seafood and Fish
Large fish -- such as swordfish, shark, tilefish, and king mackerel -- harbor higher concentrations of mercury, compared to other fish. Mercury is a byproduct of coal-burning plants that interferes with the normal development of a growing child's brain and nervous system.
According to the FDA, pregnant and nursing women may eat up to 12 ounces weekly of seafood low in mercury, including salmon (farmed and wild), shrimp, canned light tuna, pollock, sardines, tilapia, and catfish. Because albacore (white) tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna, the FDA recommends that pregnant women limit albacore tuna to no more than 6 ounces a week, and include it in the 12-ounce limit.
Fish caught for sport in rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams may also contain industrial pollutants that play havoc with a developing nervous system. Recreational anglers should check the safety of waterways with their local health departments.
Raw Vegetable Sprouts
The FDA advises everyone, regardless of pregnancy, not to eat raw sprouts -- including alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean sprouts.
The reason: Bacteria can get into sprout seeds and are "nearly impossible" to wash out, states the FDA's web site. The FDA recommends that pregnant women request that raw sprouts not be added to your food.
It's OK to eat thoroughly cooked sprouts, according to the FDA.
Drinks to Limit or Avoid :
Alcohol (beer, wine, or spirits) robs developing cells of oxygen and nutrients, preventing normal fetal development. The effects of alcohol exposure in the womb on intellectual abilities and physical growth are permanent.
Unpasteurized juices, such as cider purchased from roadside stands, at farms, or in stores. These products are prone to germs, including E. coli. Check the label to be sure juice is pasteurized.
Lead is linked to low birth weight, preterm delivery, and developmental delays in children. If you have an older home with pipes made of lead, it can leach into your tap water, and home filtration systems may not prevent it from reaching you.
If you’re in doubt about your tap water, have it tested.
Bottled water isn't necessarily purer; it's often repurposed municipal water.
Caffeine from coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy beverages, and other sources may increase the risk of miscarriage, reduced birth weight, and stillbirth, but the research is conflicting. The March of Dimes recommends limiting caffeine consumption to 200 milligrams a day. That's about the amount found in 12 ounces of coffee.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
BPA is an industrial chemical used to make many hard plastics and the liners of many canned foods. It's an endocrine disruptor that could disturb normal fetal development, Lu says.
The FDA is studying BPA and has not recommended that pregnant women avoid BPA. But in January 2010, the FDA stated that "recent studies provide reason for some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants, and children." Most of those tests have been done on animals, and the FDA says there are "substantial uncertainties" about BPA's effects on human health. The plastics industry has maintained that low levels of BPA exposure are safe.
If you choose to avoid BPA while pregnant, a wide range of BPA-free plastics and glass containers are available.
Herbal Teas and Supplements
Herbal teas are caffeine-free, but their safety is unclear when you’re expecting. There are no reliable human studies on the safety of herbal preparations, including supplements such as Echinacea and St. John’s wort, during pregnancy.The FDA does not routinely monitor the quality of dietary supplements.
"While it’s probably safe to drink the herbal teas found on supermarket shelves, pregnant women should avoid large quantities of herbal tea, and completely avoid herbal supplements," Lu says.
Duffy MacKay, ND, is the vice president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group for the supplements industry. In an email to WebMD, MacKay states that "there are herbs and other supplements that can be used safely to support a healthy pregnancy” but tell your doctor or midwife about any supplement use during pregnancy.
MacKay says there is "scientific consensus" that these common herbs and supplements should be avoided during pregnancy :
Herbs that contain stimulants or caffeine-containing supplements, especially those that are intended to promote weight loss, guarana, kola nut, betel (Piper betle), Citrum aurantium, yohimbe, theobromine (cocoa extract), Garcinai cambogia.
Other botanicals to avoid while pregnant include golden seal, Cascara sagrada, black walnut, wormwood, tansy, pennyroyal, senna, saw palmetto, pao d'arco, MacKay says.
MacKay also advises women who are pregnant, or who could become pregnant, not to take 10,000 or more IU per day of vitamin A because of the risk of birth defects. And MacKay says that "many newer and specialty nutrients have not been proven safe for use during pregnancy and should be avoided."
The bottom line : Talk to your obstetrician about any herbal supplements or vitamins before taking them during pregnancy.
Foods That May Cause Food Allergy
If you, your child’s father, or one of your other children has allergies, your baby is more likely to have food allergies.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that avoiding certain food allergens, such as peanuts and peanut products, during pregnancy and when nursing a child may reduce allergy in susceptible children.
But there’s little, if any, benefit to avoiding allergens during pregnancy and breastfeeding for everyone else.
Before changing your diet, talk to your doctor about your family history of allergies and asthma, and speak with a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about food allergies.
Excess Calories
You’re eating for two now, but you don’t need twice the calories. Gaining too much weight threatens your health, and may increase the risk of childhood overweight in your future child.
In the second trimester, add 340 calories a day to your pre-pregnancy calorie needs, and 450 a day more in the third trimester. But if you’re very overweight at conception, or if your physical activity level drops, you may need fewer calories during pregnancy. Still, pregnancy is not a time to try to lose weight. Ask your doctor or dietitian what calorie level is right for you.
There is room for treats like ice cream, chips, and cookies during pregnancy, but it’s important to choose foods that do double duty by providing the additional calories you need, as well as the extra nutrients that maximize your baby’s development.
Some foods are no-nos
During pregnancy you should try to avoid :
• Raw seafood, such as oysters or sushi.
• The cockles found in laksa and char kway teow are supposed to be boiled before they are added to these dishes, but you may want to ask the hawker to leave them out as you can't know how thoroughly they were cooked.
• Steamboat ingredients that are not cooked through - make sure the broth is brought to boil every time new ingredients are added, especially shellfish, meats and eggs.
• Cheeses with a white, "mouldy" rind, such as Brie and Camembert, and blue-veined cheeses like Stilton. All these cheeses could contain listeria, a bacteria that could harm your baby.
• Pate, raw or undercooked meat, poultry and eggs (cook all meat until there are no pink bits left and eggs till they are hard). All are possible sources of bacteria that can harm your unborn child.
• Liver and liver products (pate, liver sausage) should be avoided, too, because they may contain large amounts of the retinol form of vitamin A, too much of which could be bad for your developing baby.
• It is recommended that some women avoid peanuts and foods that contain them. If you, your husband, or any of your other children (if you have any) have a history of allergies such as hayfever, asthma, or eczema, avoiding peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding may reduce your baby's chances of developing a potentially serious peanut allergy.
• Many women choose to avoid or cut down on alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, too. Drinking too much alcohol can cause physical defects, learning disabilities, and emotional problems in children, so many experts recommend that you give up alcohol completely while you are pregnant.
• You might want to cut down on caffeine, too. This may be easy for women who are suddenly revolted by the stuff during their first trimester, but that doesn't happen for everyone. Why is caffeine a potential problem? Research has linked consuming more than 300mg of caffeine a day with an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight, and one study has linked even low levels of caffeine to miscarriage. To be on the safe side you may want to be more cautious and cut down further on caffeine, or switch to non-decaffeinated hot drinks and colas, instead.
oh, mayahnye saye
kalo ko carik guna kepala lutut, memang takkan jumpa la sampai bila2.
otak ada takmo pakai, sebab tu ko berbelas taun keje pun tak naik2 jadi exec nih!
ok, ok sila jgn marah.
itu memang perangai dia.
sila lupakan perkara tak best di tempat kerja.
mari kita bercerita tentang perkara yang baik2 hari ini.
So, 2 years ago, this day, I first talked to encik Hubby, officially.
And that's the day of my acceptance to be his special someone.
bukan official pun tapi, ntah ye...
sometimes, there're things u can't explain...
Sebabnya, I'm not used to be friend with just anyone.
I'm a bit picky when choosing a guy to be friend with and to go out with.
And when I accepted his invitation to be friends, it means that I agree to get serious.
And I don't know why.
There's something about him that appeal to me walopon time tu tak penah bercakap pun.
Setakat tengok sesama sendiri tiap kali bertembung time nak parking kete kat opis.
'bole gitu?
So, 1st July 2008 it is.
Kelako okeh.
Padahalnya tiap ari terserempak kat tempat parking kat opis tu tapi tak penah bertegur sapa pun. Ni baru berborak and keluar beberapa kali, kami telah paham-paham sendiri and menjadi couple.
Aku kan orang yang suka datang on time.
Opis hour start pukul 8, maka on d dot la biasanya aku sampai.
And before he fell for me, dia adalah sangat suka dtg awal --> 7 am++
Tapi sebab nak terserempak ngan aku selalu, dia telah sacrifice utk datang lambat juger.
Dan selalu terpaksa skip brekfes.
So, hepi anniversary Hubby!
luv yuh!
thanks to cik puan Airin that we're together now ^_^
2 years passed by since then.
sometimes, u don't need years to find the right man...
sometimes, the wrong person for someone else is the right person for you...
sometimes, you have to experience the worse to get the best...
And it's 5 months now that we're officially husband & wife, and my inai is still there okeh!
ai suker!
So kesimpulannya, sila la pakai inai 2x before your nikah day, and it will last forever!
'melampau la forever tu kan tapi selagi kuku ko tak memanjang ngan dasat, merah dia tu still ada la kat situ ^-^
otak ada takmo pakai, sebab tu ko berbelas taun keje pun tak naik2 jadi exec nih!
ok, ok sila jgn marah.
itu memang perangai dia.
sila lupakan perkara tak best di tempat kerja.
mari kita bercerita tentang perkara yang baik2 hari ini.
So, 2 years ago, this day, I first talked to encik Hubby, officially.
And that's the day of my acceptance to be his special someone.
bukan official pun tapi, ntah ye...
sometimes, there're things u can't explain...
Sebabnya, I'm not used to be friend with just anyone.
I'm a bit picky when choosing a guy to be friend with and to go out with.
And when I accepted his invitation to be friends, it means that I agree to get serious.
And I don't know why.
There's something about him that appeal to me walopon time tu tak penah bercakap pun.
Setakat tengok sesama sendiri tiap kali bertembung time nak parking kete kat opis.
'bole gitu?
So, 1st July 2008 it is.
Kelako okeh.
Padahalnya tiap ari terserempak kat tempat parking kat opis tu tapi tak penah bertegur sapa pun. Ni baru berborak and keluar beberapa kali, kami telah paham-paham sendiri and menjadi couple.
Aku kan orang yang suka datang on time.
Opis hour start pukul 8, maka on d dot la biasanya aku sampai.
And before he fell for me, dia adalah sangat suka dtg awal --> 7 am++
Tapi sebab nak terserempak ngan aku selalu, dia telah sacrifice utk datang lambat juger.
Dan selalu terpaksa skip brekfes.
So, hepi anniversary Hubby!
luv yuh!
thanks to cik puan Airin that we're together now ^_^
2 years passed by since then.
sometimes, u don't need years to find the right man...
sometimes, the wrong person for someone else is the right person for you...
sometimes, you have to experience the worse to get the best...
And it's 5 months now that we're officially husband & wife, and my inai is still there okeh!
ai suker!
So kesimpulannya, sila la pakai inai 2x before your nikah day, and it will last forever!
'melampau la forever tu kan tapi selagi kuku ko tak memanjang ngan dasat, merah dia tu still ada la kat situ ^-^
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