and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life loving you...
The sky was blue.
And the sweet scents of morning dew.
I woke up when suddenly it hit me... gosh! It was my Engagement Day ^-^
Everything that we've prepared before, the hantaran, the catering, the money, the gaduh-gaduh, the kelam-kabut.
For this special day.
And it turned out perfect as what we expected.
My mak andam, Noni (or is it pak andam?) came at 9.30 am.
Saspen oke sebab dia datang lambat.
Sebab dia cakap nak datang pukul 8 lebih tapi dah pukul 9 pun tak sampai lagi.
And sebab aku tak pernah jumpa dia pun.
We had never even spoke to each other.
Bercakap kat tepon pun tak pernah.
Semuanya my sis and my mum yang arrange.
Aku cuma bagitu yang my dress is red in color so he has to find a red tudung for me.
Book dia pun sebab my other frens pernah took him for their wedding and my sis pun amik dia jugak so serah la bulat-bulat.
But alhamdulillah... everything turns out well.
I totally love his air tangan.
And so does everyone.
Eventhough some said that I looks a bit older with his makeups but overall I'm satisfied with his work.
His sis said, my future father-in-law siap tercengang kat pintu umah tengok aku.
Kelakar sebab dia cakap macam tak percaya itu aku.
'thanks Noni ^-^
The caterer prepared Nasi Jagung + Lauk for this event.
Sambal udang, acar buah, ayam berempah, rendang daging, acar pedas, ikan kering, etc etc.
Sangat sedap oke.
Patutnya majlis start pukul 11 something comes up so rombongan si dia sampai dalam pukul 11.30 pg.
He didn't go in together with the others sebab macam adat la kan time bertunang tak boleh masuk sekali. So lepas hantar rombongan, dia tunggu di kereta sahaja.
Then, upacara sarung cincin.
I sat on the dais and his mum came up to sarungkan the beautiful ring...
And, sesi bergambar.
Masuk bilik, keluar bilik, atas pelamin, depan rumah, dalam khemah, semuanya ada.
Around 2.30 pm, baru setel semuanya.
And the caterer pun dah start kemas-kemas sebab my sis is going to have her Solemnization + Berinai ceremony malam tu so diorang nak prepare for the dinner.
And the next day was her Majlis Persandingan.
Memang penat.
Double, triple penat.
But it's the feeling of content that makes everything seems beautiful ^-^
Satu perkara yang aku agak terkilan kerana last minute tak dapat nak hire photographer.
Sedeh oke.
Awal-awal dulu dah cakap dengan kwn my mum to book this photographer. Konon-kononnya nak sama dengan my sis punya la sebab senang, kan. Last minute dia bagitau tak boleh sebab ada hal penting...
Geram oke.
Nasib baik tak bayar apa-apa lagi, kot tak mesti dah kena sue nih. My sis pun kelam-kabut la carik a replacement for her wedding. Nasib baik la ada walaupun gile mahal.
Kalau tau baik aku amik RosliFoto sebab dia charge RM250.00 je tau for Engagement event.
menyesal aku tak survey online awal-awal dulu.
menyesal oke menyesal!
Tak kesahlah lawa ke tak lawa asalkan professional photographer.
Asalkan gambar lebih cantik daripada kamera biasa, kan.
But for my wedding, awal-awal telah membook Adzrin from TRZphoto.
I totally love the way he did the editing.
And his charge is reasonable compared to the others.
Kalau tau, dulu baik amik dia for my sis's wedding.
hum hum.
So, that's the story of our Engagement Day.
Tadi suda ngambil kunci pun from our landlord.
Cadangnya Sabtu ineh si dia mau membasuh-basuh seluruh rumah.
Walaupun nanti aku cuma duduk melihat-lihat dari tepi but 'wahhh I'm so excited!
dearest Hubby,
you took something from me... and that was my heart...
but it's okay.. i think it's happier with you ^-^
7 comments: sweet! congrats dear...upload la pics lagi...
eh, share la sapekah gerangan photographer durjana tu..i pun tengah survey nak hire photographer ni..buatnye ter hire si polan ke...hukhukhuk
tak jelas la...upload la yang dekat sket...:)
belum terlewat kan nak wish congrats.. hehe.. :) aah upload yang dedekat sikit.. bak kata kiree..
happy engagement day,sis!
u look so sweet~ =)
btw,inn baru je wat blog ni...
mehlah singgah blog inn ea...
nice to know u...
ske sgt bace pengalaman bloggers2 yg laen especially about their special day...
nnt bole tukar2 pendapat...
keep in touch!
hiks nanti kite gocip2 yer.
takleh nulis nama dia kat sini nanti org tau lak ;p
sebab tak jelas tu la nyesal tak hire photographer aritu T_T
kat opis takleh uplod gambo la yang. nanti bila my lappy kat umah tu dah ok balik, sy uplod byk2 ye ^-^
thank u thank u ^-^
orait nanti mesti sy singgah sana selalu ye
Congrats on ur engagement w hubby..erkkk..bunyi cam lain kan..hehehe..u looked pretty.dais cantik dh mcm org kawin.hehehe..
thank u dear.. ahaks. mcm org dah kawin ek? actually pelamin tu my sis punya sbb mlm tu dia majlis nikah + berinai dia. tu yang nampak agak grand kot
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