It's 77 days left and omg... I'm almost 30 weeks!!
macam tak percaya.
macam baru je smlm aku rasa sakit perut gile time jln2 kat IKEA ngan my brother. and that's the time when I think I knew that I was pregnant.
so kalau anak aku ni kaki jalan mmg tau la dtg dari mana =p
Last few days aku pergi checkup kat KK P. Gudang.
Sebab dah 2, 3 kali nurse tu dok call nape aku tak datang.
Bukan aku takmo dtg tapi sebab kalau pegi sana lama gile kena tunggu.
memang la free tapi adui...
Nak kena amik cuti lagi..
Private clinic cost less than RM60 and sometimes RM20 je per visit but private hospital cost around RM300+- per visit tapi adalah lebih puas hati. The best checkup yg aku pernah pegi setakat ni adalah kat Regency Specialist Hospital ngan Dr Thokha.
Tapi sebab tatau lagi nak bersalin kat mana, if sempat, insya allah akan ke specialist kat Kluang/BP which is nearer to our hometown but in case kalau tak sempat, and terpaksa bersalin kat HSI or any other gov hospital, so terpaksa la pergi checkup kat dua2 tempat...
And unfortunately my company tak tanggung any of the maternity cost, and that's the one and only benefit yg kitorang tak dapat. huhu...
But to tell u the truth, I don't really care bersalin kat mana pun, or whether it'll be a normal delivery or c-sect, as long as the baby is safe n sound, I would be the happiest mom alive ^_^
At first memang encik Hubby and my parents nak aku bersalin kat Regency or Puteri or Johor Specialist which will cost around 3K for normal and 8K if operate tapi bila aku pikir2 balik, baik dia guna duit tu utk beli brg2 baby yg best.
Lagi berbaloi and lebih baik.
Walopon byk komen2 buruk pasal HSI/HSA but I think they're not that bad compared to the other gov hospital. My colleagues ramai je yang bersalin kat situ. But whether the treatment is good or bad, dpt doktor praktikel ke, tu nasib masing2 la kan.
But then, maybe we'll opt for the specialist at Kluang since a few of my frens bersalin kat sana and they highly recommended the doctor, Dr Luqman Hakim, and the cost is quite cheap compared to the other specialist in JB.
Around 1.5-2.6K for normal delivery and around 3-5K for operation.
And most probably I'll have to go thru the c-sect due to my fibroid problem tapi tatau lagi la..
And they said Pantai and Puteri Specialist is quite good also and the cost is around that so tengoklah nanti. My fren deliver kat Pantai Mlk and the cost is only RM1700 oke. 'bestnye la kalo aku dok Mlk lagi nih. segalanya cam sgt murah...
Kalau bab nurse2 tu couldn't help it lah.. kat mana2 pun sama.. mesti ada je nurse yg garang2 malas nak layan tuh. nasib ko la kan. my sis yang deliver kat Columbia-Asia tu pun dapat nurse ganas, apatah lagi hospital lain kan.
And as for the delivery itself, sorry to say tapi pd aku, proses bersalin tu memanglah sakit and kalau Allah dah takdirkan sakit ko tu lebih drp org lain, nak buat macam mana kan. redha je la... and 8K for c-sect is, i don't know, mcm membazir. Lainlah kalau kos tu kompeni ko tanggung. sape yg tanak kan.
And lastly, again aku nak ingatkan, kalau ko tak suka dengan apa yg aku tulis, or kot ada TERASA dengan tulisan aku ni kan, tak payah la nak tergedik2 bukak blog ni okeh?
oo kalo org mengumpat aku bole and aku balas balik tak bole ye?
haha skolah mana ko belajo ni weh?
Kami ni bukanlah org kaya tapi kami percaya setiap anak, setiap kejadian yg berlaku, ada hikmah, ada rezeki yg tersendiri. Bak kata seorang kwn, bukan aku yg start dulu, diorg yg dok berlonggok mengumpat so aku yg dapat pahala senyap2 so no hal punyer kalo aku nak balas balik.
and yes, I am wicked. oh so what?
eh besok la aku reply komen2 kat entry lepas ye.
arini sgt tak sempat...
'hoh tetiba rasa glemer cam Greenapple laks. hehe.
** **
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CHARMS & COLORS (JM0743191-D) merupakan pengedar sah untuk produk Tanamera, Shaklee, Amway, Nona Roguy, Ephyra, Tropika & Nursajat. Kami juga menawarkan barangan ketika berpantang seperti set bersalin & tungku dengan kualiti terbaik dan harga yg amat berpatutan.
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oo ye, sebelum bercerita aku nak cakap, sape2 yg rasa tak berkenan sgt dengan blog aku ni, tak berkenan dengan cerita2 pasal harga barang, tak berkenan dengan apa yg aku share2 kat sini, ko bole blah oke.
syuh syuh syuhhhh! <--- oh, u know who u are.
kang kalo aku mencarut kat sini kang kena tazkirah plak kansss =p
As I said in my previous2 entry, ni blog aku, so aku punye suka la nak cerita apapun.
Kot aku ada terasa nak berlagak ke kansss, ko pedulik hape sebabnya ni duit aku dgn laki aku dgn segala kaum kerabat aku. Kalau ko takde duit or tanak beli apa2, ko dok la diam2 kat ceruk nuu.
sbenarnya nak ckp, sape suh ko tak belajar rajin2 masuk u pastu keje best2 or kalo ko mmg tak pandai, sape suh ko kawin dgn org mesken so tak dpt la merasa beli brg mahal2 kan.
Tapi tak berapa nak sampai ati so cuma ckp, sila jaga badan ngan laki ko tu dulu baru nak sibuk2 mengata org lain cam macik2 kampongs dok tepi longkang.
Aku pelik btul dgn org2 yg suka sgt cari kesalahan org lain, pastu perasan pulak mcm profesor serba tau, tu tak elok, yg ni tak elok, brg tu tak bagus, padahal bila tgk badan sendiri, mak aihhh...
So kesimpulannya, cermin la diri sendiri dulu before nak mengumpat tu kan.
Kalau nampak org lebih skit dari dia mulalah nak jeles bagai.
Tak payah nak sibuk2 sgt jaga celah kain org, mcm diri korang tu bagusss sgt, pastu tak payah nak tunjuk muka manis dpn kita kalau kat belakang muncung korang mengomel mcm2.
And by the way, aku tak penah jemput pun korang merempat kat blog ni ye.
so, sila blah ok.
harap maklum.
*ye aku sebut korang sbb yg terlibat mengumpat adalah macik beramai2 =p
okeh, nyambung cerita.
I'm thinking of buying the jamu-jamuan next week.
Nona Roguy (NR).
sebab lebih murah and free delivery and I don't have to be a member to get the member's price. oh~ sgt berbaloi ^_^
Phytonatal (180 tablets) x 1
Minyak Herbanika (260 ml) x 2
Uncang Cuci Herbanika (15 sachet) x 1
Herbanika Barut Krim (60 gm) x 1
Minyak Berubat Mustajab (130 ml) x 1
One thing I love about NR is that, dia bukan membuatkan ko kurus sekeping tapi menyihatkan kita dgn membuang segala toksik dlm badan.
I'm very sure about this product but I'm not really sure about a few things.
'is it ok if I just buy the Phytonatal (90 tabs) which will be enuff for 30 days instead of the 180 tabs for 60 days? My sis said that 90 tabs shud be enuff. kompem akan kurus tapi seksa jugak la kalau tiap kali mkn akan ke toilet tu kan. Tapi, that Phytonatal bukanlah semata2 utk org yg baru lepas bersalin tapi utk maintain badan kenalah makan continuously. So, 180 tabs mcm lebih berbaloi kan?
Second is, which bengkung to buy and how much is the normal/cheapest price?
My frens yg guna Sendayu Tinggi ramai yg tak recommed guna bengkung tu sebab leceh ke hape ntah tapi byk la komen diorang. And patut beli jenis yg lilit2 mcm tali kasut tu ke or yg roda ke or yg normal?
and Krim Barut tu cukup ke 1 tube 60 gm utk 60 hari?
coz I plan tu wear the bengkung for at least 60 days so patut kena letak krim barut tu skali kan? or just pakai bengkung takyah nak pakai krim? krim tu busuk tak eh? kalo buat pakai kat opis org bau tak? hehe.
Tungku tu plak shud I buy the modern one so that encik Hubby bole guna gak or tunggu akak urut tu bgtau camne? and which brand is the best and what is the cheapest price?
no, I'm not gonna buy the 44-days package sebab aku takkan tahan dengan bau lulur yg busuk tuh. so akan membazir di situ kalau aku beli jugak.
and akan ganti dengan lulur brand lain - maybe Puteri Binari or Temulawak.
As for air Akar Herbanika, my sis is gonna give it to me sbb dia tak minum pun benda tu time dia pantang aritu.
Sebab rasa dia sangat tak boleh telan.
But I'll try to telan jugak sebab nak baik, kan.
Tapi tengoklah nanti =p
My sis's daughter a.k.a my niece tak kena jaundice or kembung pun and she has been BF since delivery and she, i mean my sis, drops weight like crazy, so ok la, hopefully it works for me too ^_^
Some reviews on NR product :
syuh syuh syuhhhh! <--- oh, u know who u are.
kang kalo aku mencarut kat sini kang kena tazkirah plak kansss =p
As I said in my previous2 entry, ni blog aku, so aku punye suka la nak cerita apapun.
Kot aku ada terasa nak berlagak ke kansss, ko pedulik hape sebabnya ni duit aku dgn laki aku dgn segala kaum kerabat aku. Kalau ko takde duit or tanak beli apa2, ko dok la diam2 kat ceruk nuu.
sbenarnya nak ckp, sape suh ko tak belajar rajin2 masuk u pastu keje best2 or kalo ko mmg tak pandai, sape suh ko kawin dgn org mesken so tak dpt la merasa beli brg mahal2 kan.
Tapi tak berapa nak sampai ati so cuma ckp, sila jaga badan ngan laki ko tu dulu baru nak sibuk2 mengata org lain cam macik2 kampongs dok tepi longkang.
Aku pelik btul dgn org2 yg suka sgt cari kesalahan org lain, pastu perasan pulak mcm profesor serba tau, tu tak elok, yg ni tak elok, brg tu tak bagus, padahal bila tgk badan sendiri, mak aihhh...
So kesimpulannya, cermin la diri sendiri dulu before nak mengumpat tu kan.
Kalau nampak org lebih skit dari dia mulalah nak jeles bagai.
Tak payah nak sibuk2 sgt jaga celah kain org, mcm diri korang tu bagusss sgt, pastu tak payah nak tunjuk muka manis dpn kita kalau kat belakang muncung korang mengomel mcm2.
And by the way, aku tak penah jemput pun korang merempat kat blog ni ye.
so, sila blah ok.
harap maklum.
*ye aku sebut korang sbb yg terlibat mengumpat adalah macik beramai2 =p
okeh, nyambung cerita.
I'm thinking of buying the jamu-jamuan next week.
Nona Roguy (NR).
sebab lebih murah and free delivery and I don't have to be a member to get the member's price. oh~ sgt berbaloi ^_^
Phytonatal (180 tablets) x 1
Minyak Herbanika (260 ml) x 2
Uncang Cuci Herbanika (15 sachet) x 1
Herbanika Barut Krim (60 gm) x 1
Minyak Berubat Mustajab (130 ml) x 1
One thing I love about NR is that, dia bukan membuatkan ko kurus sekeping tapi menyihatkan kita dgn membuang segala toksik dlm badan.
I'm very sure about this product but I'm not really sure about a few things.
'is it ok if I just buy the Phytonatal (90 tabs) which will be enuff for 30 days instead of the 180 tabs for 60 days? My sis said that 90 tabs shud be enuff. kompem akan kurus tapi seksa jugak la kalau tiap kali mkn akan ke toilet tu kan. Tapi, that Phytonatal bukanlah semata2 utk org yg baru lepas bersalin tapi utk maintain badan kenalah makan continuously. So, 180 tabs mcm lebih berbaloi kan?
Second is, which bengkung to buy and how much is the normal/cheapest price?
My frens yg guna Sendayu Tinggi ramai yg tak recommed guna bengkung tu sebab leceh ke hape ntah tapi byk la komen diorang. And patut beli jenis yg lilit2 mcm tali kasut tu ke or yg roda ke or yg normal?
and Krim Barut tu cukup ke 1 tube 60 gm utk 60 hari?
coz I plan tu wear the bengkung for at least 60 days so patut kena letak krim barut tu skali kan? or just pakai bengkung takyah nak pakai krim? krim tu busuk tak eh? kalo buat pakai kat opis org bau tak? hehe.
Tungku tu plak shud I buy the modern one so that encik Hubby bole guna gak or tunggu akak urut tu bgtau camne? and which brand is the best and what is the cheapest price?
no, I'm not gonna buy the 44-days package sebab aku takkan tahan dengan bau lulur yg busuk tuh. so akan membazir di situ kalau aku beli jugak.
and akan ganti dengan lulur brand lain - maybe Puteri Binari or Temulawak.
As for air Akar Herbanika, my sis is gonna give it to me sbb dia tak minum pun benda tu time dia pantang aritu.
Sebab rasa dia sangat tak boleh telan.
But I'll try to telan jugak sebab nak baik, kan.
Tapi tengoklah nanti =p
My sis's daughter a.k.a my niece tak kena jaundice or kembung pun and she has been BF since delivery and she, i mean my sis, drops weight like crazy, so ok la, hopefully it works for me too ^_^
Some reviews on NR product :
Baby Stuff,
Naik berkilo-kilo!
The good thing about being pregnant is that u could eat almost everything without feeling guilty or worrying of getting fatter.
ya, bcoz u're already fat =)
Kelmarin aku buat Kek Batik yang veri sedap.
Penyudahnya dah 3 hari ni aku brekfes dengan kek batik tanpa rasa boring.
Tgh2 mlm kalau terbangun pun bole gi bukak fridge makan benda alah tu.
kelakar jugak sebab bila aku bangun nanti Hubby tanya, 'cyg nak gi mana tu?
pastu bila aku ckp nak mkn kek dia ckp, 'laa pukul 3 pg dah ni...
Time kat opis pun bole plak aku dok teringat je balik ni nak mkn lagi.
gile kemaruk.
Sebab tu gaknya berat aku naik mendadak nih.
This is me @ 5 mths++ preggy during an event kat opis.
'gambar candid time mkn ketika berambut panjang.
And this is me @ 6 mths++ during monthly assembly pun kat opis juger.
'gambar candid pejam mata ketika berambut pendek.
and yes, i've cut short my hair sebab suda sgt rimas.
tapi pasni takleh potong dah sebab org ckp time pantang kena ikat sanggul tinggi2 ketat2 so that kepala tak sakit.
owhhh... tapi lihatlah perbezaannya.
Berat badan before kawin adalah 49 kg and tak penah la lebih 50 kg.
When I first knew that I was pregnant (2 mths), my weight is 51 kg.
After 5 mths, it is 55 kg.
And suddenly, semalam timbang kat KK, berat telah jadi 61 kg oke!
And semua tu berlaku dlm masa sebulan!
Seumur hidup tak penah la lebih 60 kg...
gile ah ding dong.
And I've stopped wearing contact lenses sebab tak tahan dengan kekeringan and kegatalan mata.
I don't know.
maybe the pregnancy.
So ok, have to opt for the glasses lah buat masa sekarang.
Anyway, ni resepi Kek Batik yang senang gile nak buat and aku suker tu.
Bahan-bahan :
300g Milo
1/2 tin Susu pekat
3/4 buku Buttercup
300g Biskut Marie (patah dua)
Kacang badam hancur (digoreng tanpa minyak) - jika suka
Sedikit air
Cara-cara :
1) Cairkan buttercup dalam kuali.
2) Agak-agak cair, masukkan milo, susu pekat dan sedikit air. Gaul rata.
3) Matikan api dan masukkan kacang badam dan biskut Marie.
4) Gaul sampai sebati dan tuang dalam bekas yg dah dialas foil. Tekan-tekan sedikit.
5) Sejukkan dalam fridge selama 2, 3 jam sebelum dimakan.
'hoh, no wonder la berat naik berkg2 nih!
ya, bcoz u're already fat =)
Kelmarin aku buat Kek Batik yang veri sedap.
Penyudahnya dah 3 hari ni aku brekfes dengan kek batik tanpa rasa boring.
Tgh2 mlm kalau terbangun pun bole gi bukak fridge makan benda alah tu.
kelakar jugak sebab bila aku bangun nanti Hubby tanya, 'cyg nak gi mana tu?
pastu bila aku ckp nak mkn kek dia ckp, 'laa pukul 3 pg dah ni...
Time kat opis pun bole plak aku dok teringat je balik ni nak mkn lagi.
gile kemaruk.
Sebab tu gaknya berat aku naik mendadak nih.
This is me @ 5 mths++ preggy during an event kat opis.
'gambar candid time mkn ketika berambut panjang.
ye, hobi adalah tak mengadap kamera time amik gambo T_T
And this is me @ 6 mths++ during monthly assembly pun kat opis juger.
'gambar candid pejam mata ketika berambut pendek.
and yes, i've cut short my hair sebab suda sgt rimas.
tapi pasni takleh potong dah sebab org ckp time pantang kena ikat sanggul tinggi2 ketat2 so that kepala tak sakit.
owhhh... tapi lihatlah perbezaannya.
Berat badan before kawin adalah 49 kg and tak penah la lebih 50 kg.
When I first knew that I was pregnant (2 mths), my weight is 51 kg.
After 5 mths, it is 55 kg.
And suddenly, semalam timbang kat KK, berat telah jadi 61 kg oke!
And semua tu berlaku dlm masa sebulan!
Seumur hidup tak penah la lebih 60 kg...
gile ah ding dong.
And I've stopped wearing contact lenses sebab tak tahan dengan kekeringan and kegatalan mata.
I don't know.
maybe the pregnancy.
So ok, have to opt for the glasses lah buat masa sekarang.
Anyway, ni resepi Kek Batik yang senang gile nak buat and aku suker tu.
Bahan-bahan :
300g Milo
1/2 tin Susu pekat
3/4 buku Buttercup
300g Biskut Marie (patah dua)
Kacang badam hancur (digoreng tanpa minyak) - jika suka
Sedikit air
Cara-cara :
1) Cairkan buttercup dalam kuali.
2) Agak-agak cair, masukkan milo, susu pekat dan sedikit air. Gaul rata.
3) Matikan api dan masukkan kacang badam dan biskut Marie.
4) Gaul sampai sebati dan tuang dalam bekas yg dah dialas foil. Tekan-tekan sedikit.
5) Sejukkan dalam fridge selama 2, 3 jam sebelum dimakan.
'hoh, no wonder la berat naik berkg2 nih!
Baby Stuff : Bedding Set
Aku sangat la jatuh hati ngan bedding ni...
'sgt comel, kiut and veri tastyyyy!! waaaa!!!
Tapi malangnya takde jual kat Aussino JB pun.
Kat S'pore ada la.
Tapi takde maknanya aku nak gi S'pore semata-mata nak beli bedding set gitu.
Harus la encik Hubby membebel panjang.
So, kalau ada sesapa terjumpa yg mcm ni or yg design ala2 gini and the price is less than RM250, sila la bagitau ye. plis plis plis... ai sgt kemaruk... T_T
Takpun kalau jumpa yang macam kat bawah ni...
Design katak hijau yg menepati citarasa.
oo ai memang suka kaler2 striking gitu.
Yang colorful dengan kartun yg besar2.
Membuat perasaan jadi lebih excited =p
And aku sangat tak suka dengan beddings kat bawah ni.
Plain design dengan kartun yg kecik2.
Macam sangat bosan.
'aa bila la Aussino nak buat sale besar-besaran kat JB nih??
Baby Stuff,
Baby Checklist
I'm thinking of buying Minyak Telon from Mustika Ratu or Amway for the baby sebab bila tengok kat forum, ramai yang cakap best compared to Minyak Yuyi yg busuk tuh. And ada plak yang cakap Minyak Yuyi tu tak halal.
or shud I just stick with Minyak Berubat Herba (Mustajab) from Nona Roguy (NR)?
Memang nak beli pun minyak ni sebab dia percepatkan luka jahitan tu baik.
Tapi utk guna kat baby tu...... hemm.
Ada org komen bau dia tak sedap sangat.
of cos la brg NR adalah d best ever tapi aku kalau bole takmo la yg busuk2 nih sebab yela walaupon mujarab tapi nanti aku maleh nak sapu kat baby. Kalau bau minyak NR tu best, dia bole share ngan mommy tapi kalo bau tak best, mommy terpaksa beli yg lain utk encik baby.
huuu~ tengah memikir which one is the best.
Anyway, these are the list for our little prince.
'ni harga yg aku survey2, bukan harga sebenar yeh. and baru beli sikit2 belum complete semua pun... ^_^
Almari Pakaian Baby - RM199
Bakul Baby - RM40
Baju Lengan Panjang - RM50
Baju Lengan Pendek - RM50
Seluar Panjang - RM40
Seluar Pendek - RM15
Rompers/Suits - RM300
Barut - RM20
Bedung - RM20
Pampers - RM50
Mittens & Booties - RM50
Hooded Towel - RM30
Topi Kepala - RM12
Baby Bip - RM20
Diaper Bag - RM60
Stroller - RM899
Car Seat - RM480
Baby Cot - RM299
Changing Mat - RM30
Fibre Mattress - RM100
Travel Mattress - RM45
Bedding Set - RM230
Hooded Blanket - RM50
Receiving Blanket - RM25
Thermal Blanket - RM20.90
Kelambu - RM60
Bakul Barang Baby - RM30
Baby Bath - RM20
Baby Shampoo - RM20
Baby Powder - RM20
Baby Wipes - RM30
Kapas Kecil - RM20
Baby Bathtub - RM50
Gripe Water - RM10
Minyak Telon - RM22
Baby Lotion - RM20
Baby Oil - RM5
Krim Lampin - RM15
Cotton Bud - RM10
Termometer - RM100
Pemotong Kuku - RM5
Sikat Rambut - RM5
Spectra3 Breast Pump Set - RM380
Storage Bottle/Liner - RM50
Cooler Bag Set - RM50
Breastfeeding Bag - RM60
Warmer - RM110
Sterilizer + Bottle Brush - RM279
Botol Susu - RM40
Nursing Cover - RM40
Phytonatal (180 Tablets) - RM180
Minyak Herbanika (260ml) - RM85 x 2 = RM170
Uncang Cuci Herbanika (15 sachet) - RM85
Herbanika Barut Krim (60gm) - RM45
Minyak Berubat Mustajab (130ml) - RM27
Maternity Pads - RM20
Washable Breast Pad - RM20
Disposable Breast Pad - RM15.90 x 2 = 31.80
Stretchmark Cream - RM30
Nursing Bra - RM150
Nipple Shield - RM30
Nipple Cream - RM26
Bengkung - RM55 x 4 = RM220
TOTAL = RM6000+-
'wuhuhu rupanya sangat banyak neh...
Our Price = RM280.00 (Normal = RM293.00)
(Set Bersalin + 10% off for any purchase of Amway product OR free Shawl)
Our Price = RM290.00 (Normal = RM365.00)
(Set Bersalin + 10% off for any purchase of Amway product OR free Shawl)
To order/enquiries you may contact me :
Email :
FB : charmsandcolors
SMS/WhatsApp : 019 6555700 (Fasha)
Website :
Shaklee ID : 888941
Baby Stuff,
warmer oh warmer~
I need a camera!
I really2 need a camera... <-- pose ala2 sedeh
Guna henpon utk amik gambo adalah sgt tak best ok.
Walaupon bole edit before masuk dlm blog tapi perasaan adalah tak sama.
So, azam taun ni adalah beli kamera baru. <-- wuhuhu~ apakah maknanya nak letak azam time ujung2 taun nih?
'there goes my Medela Freestyle... T_T
Anyway, the parcel yg ditunggu2 came yesterday.
The one that I ordered from Littlewhiz.
Nampak kotak besar isi sterilizer, warmer, thermal blanket, disposable breast pad and little mittens kat opis, perasaan adalah sgt excited!
Tapi bila pikir2 balik, kalau aku tak beli warmer tu pun takpe kot.
Sebab mcm tak guna sgt pun.
Sebabnya, time baby dgn kita of cos akan direct BF and EBM tu akan diguna time baby kat nursery and kat sana nanti baru nak panaskan so macam takde point plak aku beli warmer tu... kecuali la kalau aku maleh nak direct BF and nak bagi botol susu je kat si kecil comel tu so akan byk la guna encik warmer.
kemaruk sebab murahan kot.
'aa patut ke aku jual balik kat orang eh?
RM125 pun kompem org beli sbb biasa paling murah RM135 time sale.
Tapi cam sayang pulak sebab mana tau kot memang perlu benda tu kan.
Letak kat baby's room kat tingkat atas so takyah nak ulang-alik gi dapur utk panaskan EBM tgh2 mlm.
or mana tau kot nipple aku luka parah takleh nak direct BF so bole panaskan EBM tu nanti.
or maybe aku kena gi outstation so of cos encik Hubby kena amik alih tugas bg susu so akan guna jugak warmer tu.
hum hum.
I really2 need a camera... <-- pose ala2 sedeh
Guna henpon utk amik gambo adalah sgt tak best ok.
Walaupon bole edit before masuk dlm blog tapi perasaan adalah tak sama.
So, azam taun ni adalah beli kamera baru. <-- wuhuhu~ apakah maknanya nak letak azam time ujung2 taun nih?
The fabulash D90 = RM3100 (body sajer)
'there goes my Medela Freestyle... T_T
Anyway, the parcel yg ditunggu2 came yesterday.
The one that I ordered from Littlewhiz.
Nampak kotak besar isi sterilizer, warmer, thermal blanket, disposable breast pad and little mittens kat opis, perasaan adalah sgt excited!
Tapi bila pikir2 balik, kalau aku tak beli warmer tu pun takpe kot.
Sebab mcm tak guna sgt pun.
Sebabnya, time baby dgn kita of cos akan direct BF and EBM tu akan diguna time baby kat nursery and kat sana nanti baru nak panaskan so macam takde point plak aku beli warmer tu... kecuali la kalau aku maleh nak direct BF and nak bagi botol susu je kat si kecil comel tu so akan byk la guna encik warmer.
kemaruk sebab murahan kot.
'aa patut ke aku jual balik kat orang eh?
RM125 pun kompem org beli sbb biasa paling murah RM135 time sale.
Tapi cam sayang pulak sebab mana tau kot memang perlu benda tu kan.
Letak kat baby's room kat tingkat atas so takyah nak ulang-alik gi dapur utk panaskan EBM tgh2 mlm.
or mana tau kot nipple aku luka parah takleh nak direct BF so bole panaskan EBM tu nanti.
or maybe aku kena gi outstation so of cos encik Hubby kena amik alih tugas bg susu so akan guna jugak warmer tu.
hum hum.
Baby Stuff,
Baby Stuff : Sterilizer & Warmer
aa dah beli pun sterilizer.
Brand Tommee Tippee (TT).
Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Electronic Steam Steriliser (BPA FREE) has been created for new mums and dads who have enough to think about, so this electronic steam steriliser is as easy as 1 2 3. It holds up to 6 wide neck bottles (5 closer to nature bottles) with accessories and features a 5 minute cycle time to sterilise your baby's feeding equipment extra quickly yet just as effectively. The clear digital display shows you exactly which stage the process is at and, if you leave the unit closed, counts down from 3 hours to let you know how long the bottles will remain sterile. The clever space-saving shape and flat back means it can be tucked out of the way on the kitchen worktop. The hinged lid has been specially designed so condensation runs back inside the unit when opened and, for extra safety, it's lockable to keep out prying fingers. On top of all of this, it features a detachable sterile work surface to ensure your bottles remain sterile while you prepare baby's feed.
• What's Inside?
Bottle tongs, bottle brush, a removable accessory tray that doubles as a sterile work surface on which to make up feeds a ahinged lid that's lockable for safety, convenience and travel.
• Free : 1 x 160ml Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature PP Feeding Bottle & 3 x 260ml Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature PP Feeding Bottles
Aku kan jenis yang suka baca forum and reviews.
So pertama kali nampak botol TT yang comel kiut itu hati dah terpaut yang amats.
Shape dia kan mcm natural breast so since aku nak fully breastfeed/EBM, takmo la our little prince kena nipple confusion nanti. And since my sis pun guna TT bottle for her daughter and aku dah tengok sendiri kebestan botol dia, maka kompem akan guna utk diri sendiri jugak ^_^
Kebetulan last week ada sale kat LittleWhiz.
RM429.90 but RM279.00 after less for the sterilizer.
Biasanya paling murah pun takkan kurang dari RM300 punyalah.
On d spot telah bgtau encik Hubby and dia bg greenlight untuk beli.
Aku suker sebab bentuk dia sangat cantek and kemas.
Since aku memang nak beli bottle TT and kalau beli sterilizer brand lain takut tak muat plak nak masuk botol yg ngemuk montel kat dlm tu.
And aku suker sebab dia bg free 4 botol susu TT and berus botol skali.
So telah jimat di situ ^_^
Brand Avent tu paling murah aku tengok pun RM269 and takde bg free apa2 pun.
And then tup2 jumpa plak Warmer Tommee Tippee yg vouge ni kat website yg sama.
• Warms food and bottles within 4 minutes
• Designed especially for food jars and the Closer to Nature bottle (TT)
• Thermostatically controlled for safety
• Suitable to use from birth
• Suitable for milk and baby food
• Easy to use
• Control dial to adjust the temperature
Gile murahan!
So telah beli juger.
Senang skit nak panaskan EBM tu nanti.
Ingatkan nak beli time sale bln 12 ni tapi bila fikir2 balik, mana tau kot takkan dpt harga murah camni lagi kan sebab selama ni aku survey, benda tu paling murah pun RM135 so gamble je la..
Lagipun free delivery kan.
ai of cos veri suker benda2 free gini =p
oo ye, kalau ada sesapa nak baca review pasal warmer and sterilizer TT, aku ada letak beberapa link kat bawah ni :
Brand Tommee Tippee (TT).
Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Electronic Steam Steriliser (BPA FREE) has been created for new mums and dads who have enough to think about, so this electronic steam steriliser is as easy as 1 2 3. It holds up to 6 wide neck bottles (5 closer to nature bottles) with accessories and features a 5 minute cycle time to sterilise your baby's feeding equipment extra quickly yet just as effectively. The clear digital display shows you exactly which stage the process is at and, if you leave the unit closed, counts down from 3 hours to let you know how long the bottles will remain sterile. The clever space-saving shape and flat back means it can be tucked out of the way on the kitchen worktop. The hinged lid has been specially designed so condensation runs back inside the unit when opened and, for extra safety, it's lockable to keep out prying fingers. On top of all of this, it features a detachable sterile work surface to ensure your bottles remain sterile while you prepare baby's feed.
• What's Inside?
Bottle tongs, bottle brush, a removable accessory tray that doubles as a sterile work surface on which to make up feeds a ahinged lid that's lockable for safety, convenience and travel.
• Free : 1 x 160ml Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature PP Feeding Bottle & 3 x 260ml Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature PP Feeding Bottles
Aku kan jenis yang suka baca forum and reviews.
So pertama kali nampak botol TT yang comel kiut itu hati dah terpaut yang amats.
Shape dia kan mcm natural breast so since aku nak fully breastfeed/EBM, takmo la our little prince kena nipple confusion nanti. And since my sis pun guna TT bottle for her daughter and aku dah tengok sendiri kebestan botol dia, maka kompem akan guna utk diri sendiri jugak ^_^
Kebetulan last week ada sale kat LittleWhiz.
RM429.90 but RM279.00 after less for the sterilizer.
Biasanya paling murah pun takkan kurang dari RM300 punyalah.
On d spot telah bgtau encik Hubby and dia bg greenlight untuk beli.
Aku suker sebab bentuk dia sangat cantek and kemas.
Since aku memang nak beli bottle TT and kalau beli sterilizer brand lain takut tak muat plak nak masuk botol yg ngemuk montel kat dlm tu.
And aku suker sebab dia bg free 4 botol susu TT and berus botol skali.
So telah jimat di situ ^_^
Brand Avent tu paling murah aku tengok pun RM269 and takde bg free apa2 pun.
And then tup2 jumpa plak Warmer Tommee Tippee yg vouge ni kat website yg sama.
• Warms food and bottles within 4 minutes
• Designed especially for food jars and the Closer to Nature bottle (TT)
• Thermostatically controlled for safety
• Suitable to use from birth
• Suitable for milk and baby food
• Easy to use
• Control dial to adjust the temperature
Gile murahan!
So telah beli juger.
Senang skit nak panaskan EBM tu nanti.
Ingatkan nak beli time sale bln 12 ni tapi bila fikir2 balik, mana tau kot takkan dpt harga murah camni lagi kan sebab selama ni aku survey, benda tu paling murah pun RM135 so gamble je la..
Lagipun free delivery kan.
ai of cos veri suker benda2 free gini =p
oo ye, kalau ada sesapa nak baca review pasal warmer and sterilizer TT, aku ada letak beberapa link kat bawah ni :
Baby Stuff,
Laki aku oo laki aku
'oh rupanya encik Hubby adalah kecik ati sebab aku beli baby stroller tu tak tunggu dia.
In my last entry kan aku ada cerita tentang stroller.
Actually I went to JJ last Monday sebab dah alang-alang cuti, kan.
Encik Hubby tak ikut sebab dia MC, demam, so bergolek2 sajer dlm selimut di rumah and aku of cos sangat gembira bershopping secara solo =p
Aku cuti sebab the day before tu kami ke KL and ingatkan nak stay another night tapi sbb Hubby tak sihat so kami pun terus la pulang ke JB.
So on Monday, lepas siap2 masak bubur utk Hubby, I went to JJ Permas, Nu Skin, Metrojaya and around 6.30 pm tu si dia msg suh belikan ice blended kat Starbuck.
Dulu cadangnya nak memboikot la konon sebab US company kan tapi nan ado la sebab tak dapat menahan napsu serakah =p
Lately nampaknya telah mengidam Chocolate Chip Frappuccino tu ngan dasat.
Minggu ni je dah 2x dia minum benda alah tu pastu siap2 salahkan aku sebab memperkenalkan benda2 camni kat dia.
oo ye, kalau ada JJ card, ko bole dpt 10% discount kat semua branch Starbuck.
Aku baru tau sebab budak kat situ bgtau.
huu~ sgt membazir selama ni sbb tak gunakan diskaun itu T_T
ok, back to the story.
So, aku pun singgah la kat JJ Tebrau sebab nak beli makanan orang sakit tu kan.
Sebab dah alang2 gi JJ, singgah la skali kat Toy r Us ngan Modernmum sebab nak compare harga stroller pastu nak tengok ada stok lagi tak.
Sebab dlm fikiran memang akan beli yg Combi Urban Walker tu jugak.
Tapi takde la nak beli time tu sebab takkan aku nak angkut sorang2 masuk dalam kete, kan.
tup tup bila sampai kat kedai tu, 'eh, stok kaler oren tinggal satu la plak...
So aku pun call encik Hubby tanya confirm ke memang nak beli yang ni.
Kalau confirm, aku bole book dulu sebab takut stok abis. Lagipun aritu Hubby memang dah bagi duit utk beli baby's stuff.
Pastu lepas letak phone, aku dok lepak2 kat situ, try angkat the stroller,
'eh, nape ringan sgt nih? <-- bunyi cam exaggerating la sgt Tapi memang ringan pun and satu tangan je bole fold/unfold tau. Bila pikir2 balik, apa salahnya kalau aku beli sekarang, kan. Memang akan beli jugak nanti. Lagipun dah alang2 kat JJ ni baik beli terus je. So automatic telah menswipe kad plastik ittew... heee~
Balik rumah, encik Hubby tengok kat seat belakang penuh gile barang sebab aku gi shopping byk tempat tadi kan. Pastu dia cakap, 'laa... dah beli stroller jugak...
Pastu benda tu la yg dia sibuk belek dulu.
Siap tengok manual bagai.
Tapi takde la nak komplen apapun sebab memang dia yg semangat nak beli stroller tu dulu.
Pastu malam tu tengah baring2 nak tido, tiba-tiba slow je dia cakap,
"cyg nape beli stroller tak tunggu hubby.. tadi ckp nak book je dulu.."
"laa mana tau.. cyg ingatkan hubby tak kesah..."
"hubby nak gi beli stroller tu ngan cyg... nanti baby ingat papa tak sayang dia suh mommy gi beli sorang2..."
oh rupanya telah kecik ati sedikit.
In my last entry kan aku ada cerita tentang stroller.
Actually I went to JJ last Monday sebab dah alang-alang cuti, kan.
Encik Hubby tak ikut sebab dia MC, demam, so bergolek2 sajer dlm selimut di rumah and aku of cos sangat gembira bershopping secara solo =p
Aku cuti sebab the day before tu kami ke KL and ingatkan nak stay another night tapi sbb Hubby tak sihat so kami pun terus la pulang ke JB.
So on Monday, lepas siap2 masak bubur utk Hubby, I went to JJ Permas, Nu Skin, Metrojaya and around 6.30 pm tu si dia msg suh belikan ice blended kat Starbuck.
Dulu cadangnya nak memboikot la konon sebab US company kan tapi nan ado la sebab tak dapat menahan napsu serakah =p
Lately nampaknya telah mengidam Chocolate Chip Frappuccino tu ngan dasat.
Minggu ni je dah 2x dia minum benda alah tu pastu siap2 salahkan aku sebab memperkenalkan benda2 camni kat dia.
oo ye, kalau ada JJ card, ko bole dpt 10% discount kat semua branch Starbuck.
Aku baru tau sebab budak kat situ bgtau.
huu~ sgt membazir selama ni sbb tak gunakan diskaun itu T_T
ok, back to the story.
So, aku pun singgah la kat JJ Tebrau sebab nak beli makanan orang sakit tu kan.
Sebab dah alang2 gi JJ, singgah la skali kat Toy r Us ngan Modernmum sebab nak compare harga stroller pastu nak tengok ada stok lagi tak.
Sebab dlm fikiran memang akan beli yg Combi Urban Walker tu jugak.
Tapi takde la nak beli time tu sebab takkan aku nak angkut sorang2 masuk dalam kete, kan.
tup tup bila sampai kat kedai tu, 'eh, stok kaler oren tinggal satu la plak...
So aku pun call encik Hubby tanya confirm ke memang nak beli yang ni.
Kalau confirm, aku bole book dulu sebab takut stok abis. Lagipun aritu Hubby memang dah bagi duit utk beli baby's stuff.
Pastu lepas letak phone, aku dok lepak2 kat situ, try angkat the stroller,
'eh, nape ringan sgt nih? <-- bunyi cam exaggerating la sgt Tapi memang ringan pun and satu tangan je bole fold/unfold tau. Bila pikir2 balik, apa salahnya kalau aku beli sekarang, kan. Memang akan beli jugak nanti. Lagipun dah alang2 kat JJ ni baik beli terus je. So automatic telah menswipe kad plastik ittew... heee~
Balik rumah, encik Hubby tengok kat seat belakang penuh gile barang sebab aku gi shopping byk tempat tadi kan. Pastu dia cakap, 'laa... dah beli stroller jugak...
Pastu benda tu la yg dia sibuk belek dulu.
Siap tengok manual bagai.
Tapi takde la nak komplen apapun sebab memang dia yg semangat nak beli stroller tu dulu.
Pastu malam tu tengah baring2 nak tido, tiba-tiba slow je dia cakap,
"cyg nape beli stroller tak tunggu hubby.. tadi ckp nak book je dulu.."
"laa mana tau.. cyg ingatkan hubby tak kesah..."
"hubby nak gi beli stroller tu ngan cyg... nanti baby ingat papa tak sayang dia suh mommy gi beli sorang2..."
oh rupanya telah kecik ati sedikit.
Baby Stuff,
Baby Stuff : Stroller
ok, Halford S8 itu adalah sgt berat.
Graco walopon tahan and kaler merah tapi tak berapa cantik, berat juger, and bentuk dia tak berapa kemas.
so, maybe we'll just stick to this Combi Urban Walker UR200X.
RM1299 but RM899 after less.
ye, dah beli pon =p
kat Modernmum, JJ Tebrau.
Sebab encik Hubby pun sangat suka and aku rasa best sebab veri ringan so aku bole shopping berdua-duaan ngan baby and tasty juger sebab kaler dia adalah striking orange!
Lagipun sebab aku takmo benda ni masuk dalam mimpi aku tiap hari.
'kan selalu bila aku nak sangat benda tu, mesti akan berada dalam kepala otak je and terpaksa carik jln untuk keluarkan.. <-- hoh, pompuan yg agak kemaruk.
Gi tengok kat KL aritu pun takde Combi yg full recline mcm ni.
Kalau ader pun harga dia more than RM1500.
cam tak berbaloi.
Baik aku beli travel set Quinny Zapp yg super vouge tu pun baru RM1498.
Cuma Quinny tu takde tempat simpan brg and senang tergolek.
So Combi stroller plus Halford Premier Neo car seat = RM899 + RM475 = RM1374.
Kebaikan :
- Combi tu sgt ringan, washable seat, easy to fold/unfold & bole guna dr NB sampai 4 thn.
- Car seat tu pun bole guna dr NB sampai 4 thn.
Keburukan :
- Warna Combi cepat kusam kot if nak guna utk next2 baby.
- Bukan 3-wheeler idaman kalbu T_T
- Halford tu adalah car seat semata-mata and takleh jadi carrier/rocker cam SCR7 kat bawah ni.
or maybe we'll just buy the car seat cum carrier/rocker for the time being.
Murahan je pun compare ngan yg Halford tu cuma takut tak guna sangat and bila baby dah besar sikit tak muat la so kena beli car seat jugak.
hem hem tengoklah nanti.
So, kalau ada sesapa berminat nak baca review pasal stroller Combi Urban Walker ni, aku ada listkan beberapa link kat bawah. But personally walopon ia bukan 3-wheeler idaman but I think this stroller is just SUPERB!
• Bubhub
• Essentialbaby
• Babyology
• Taleoftwofish
The Urban Walker series is one of the newest and most popular models in the Combi stroller range. It is an excellent all rounder as it has large wheels and basket, an extra long seat, carries up to 20 kgs child yet still only weighs 6.2 kgs. Other features include a full sun shade, genuine Combi one-hand open/fold, reversible handle (baby-facing mode), extra soft high ventilation seat fabric and more.
• Suitable from newborn to 20 kgs (approx. 3~4 yrs)
• One-touch folding and opening to enable easy operation with one hand while holding your baby or bags with another.
• One-touch 5-point harness with shoulder belt prevent baby from falling out during accident.
• One-touch design is convenient for releasing the safety belt.
• Long and wide seat with extra soft cushion
• 170 degree full reclining angle
• Reversible handle
• Canopy with mesh window
• Big basket capacity
• Shock absorbing structure, soft suspension together with shock absorbing frame, helps absorbing of vibration
Graco walopon tahan and kaler merah tapi tak berapa cantik, berat juger, and bentuk dia tak berapa kemas.
so, maybe we'll just stick to this Combi Urban Walker UR200X.
RM1299 but RM899 after less.
ye, dah beli pon =p
kat Modernmum, JJ Tebrau.
Sebab encik Hubby pun sangat suka and aku rasa best sebab veri ringan so aku bole shopping berdua-duaan ngan baby and tasty juger sebab kaler dia adalah striking orange!
Lagipun sebab aku takmo benda ni masuk dalam mimpi aku tiap hari.
'kan selalu bila aku nak sangat benda tu, mesti akan berada dalam kepala otak je and terpaksa carik jln untuk keluarkan.. <-- hoh, pompuan yg agak kemaruk.
Gi tengok kat KL aritu pun takde Combi yg full recline mcm ni.
Kalau ader pun harga dia more than RM1500.
cam tak berbaloi.
Baik aku beli travel set Quinny Zapp yg super vouge tu pun baru RM1498.
Cuma Quinny tu takde tempat simpan brg and senang tergolek.
So Combi stroller plus Halford Premier Neo car seat = RM899 + RM475 = RM1374.
Kebaikan :
- Combi tu sgt ringan, washable seat, easy to fold/unfold & bole guna dr NB sampai 4 thn.
- Car seat tu pun bole guna dr NB sampai 4 thn.
Keburukan :
- Warna Combi cepat kusam kot if nak guna utk next2 baby.
- Bukan 3-wheeler idaman kalbu T_T
- Halford tu adalah car seat semata-mata and takleh jadi carrier/rocker cam SCR7 kat bawah ni.
or maybe we'll just buy the car seat cum carrier/rocker for the time being.
Murahan je pun compare ngan yg Halford tu cuma takut tak guna sangat and bila baby dah besar sikit tak muat la so kena beli car seat jugak.
hem hem tengoklah nanti.
So, kalau ada sesapa berminat nak baca review pasal stroller Combi Urban Walker ni, aku ada listkan beberapa link kat bawah. But personally walopon ia bukan 3-wheeler idaman but I think this stroller is just SUPERB!
• Bubhub
• Essentialbaby
• Babyology
• Taleoftwofish
The Urban Walker series is one of the newest and most popular models in the Combi stroller range. It is an excellent all rounder as it has large wheels and basket, an extra long seat, carries up to 20 kgs child yet still only weighs 6.2 kgs. Other features include a full sun shade, genuine Combi one-hand open/fold, reversible handle (baby-facing mode), extra soft high ventilation seat fabric and more.
• Suitable from newborn to 20 kgs (approx. 3~4 yrs)
• One-touch folding and opening to enable easy operation with one hand while holding your baby or bags with another.
• One-touch 5-point harness with shoulder belt prevent baby from falling out during accident.
• One-touch design is convenient for releasing the safety belt.
• Long and wide seat with extra soft cushion
• 170 degree full reclining angle
• Reversible handle
• Canopy with mesh window
• Big basket capacity
• Shock absorbing structure, soft suspension together with shock absorbing frame, helps absorbing of vibration
Baby Stuff,
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